Chapter 7- A Vist From The Wicked Witch Of The East

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First, I'd like to thank DesiReader for voting for the last chapter! Thank you darling. Also, thank you Beauty_rose for your continued support. ❤

Dr. Jonathan Crane may be some sort of heartless criminal with no regard for human life; but he always makes sure to dress sharp. You can tell a lot about man by his suit-his tie to be exact. Dr. West is sloppy, unbecoming, and bothersome; all of that reflects through the ties he wears. Jonathan however, always wears conservative, muted colors. It screams professionalism. Despite believing all of that, he decided to go with a bold dark maroon purple color. Although he would never admit the reason he wore it: purple was Riley's favorite color. It was her birthday, so he decided to change up his tie scheme. As he nervously tightened it, he chuckled and thought back to Riley commenting on his ties.

"Dude; your tie game is so fucking raw." Riley said eyeing his tie. He chuckled at her.

"Is that a good thing?"

"Hell yeah! You always dress so nice." This caused a warm feeling to course through his body.

"Well thank you, Riley."

Sometimes Riley would really open up to him; and on those days, he really enjoyed her company. He eyed the square wrapped shape on his desk. It isn't necessary for him to get her a gift, and probably isn't entirely appropriate. But for some reason today, none of that mattered. The wrapping was black; blackest black it was called on the label; and the bow was a purple that seemed bright and dark at the same time. It went both ways, which he thought was fitting pertaining to their last session. He had an irrational tenseness about him; hoping she would like his gift. She had to right?

The knocking at the door caused him to put her gift in the confinement of his mahogany desk.

"Come in." Those words killed him to say, knowing exactly who it was. He dramatically died a little inside every time Dr. West came in his office with his antics.

"Dr. Crane! How are you this fine morning?" The overly cheeriness in his voice put Jonathan in a mere state of depression. It was bizarre how his wife died not too long ago, and here he is in Jonathan's office acting as if he won the lottery. He felt the necessity to break him down to his level.

"I am well; I have been thinking Dr. West; your wife died not too long ago, and you have been suspiciously cheery. I trust that break from work Dr. Stanley gave you worked to your benefit?" Dr. West's face dropped from its joyful pretense. Bingo. He secretly praised himself on bringing West down to his level. The hurt on his face brought Jonathan's depression to a screeching halt.

"Actually, I still think about her every day. I am on anti-depressants; and when I am at work I try to busy myself so I won't think about it." That certainly was a surprise to him; and here he thought he was just some prick who only cared about himself. It was almost damn near impossible to picture West as a sentimental guy. Jonathan let out accidental chuckle at the thought of it while shuffling some papers on his desk.

"Did you just laugh at me?" He asked with a face that resembled a mix of confusion, hurt, and anger. Jonathan cleared his throat and looked up at West.

"I did." He may be many things, but he wasn't always liar, he lied when the situation called for it; didn't mean he had to enjoy it. Being brutally honest is one of his many qualities.

"I don't understand what you found funny in that sentence." West said lowly. The look on his face was now complete anger.

"I just didn't know you cared about anyone but yourself." Anger turned to shock as soon as those words left his mouth. A wicked smirk appeared on his lips at this reaction.

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