Chapter 6- The Road To Oz.

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What exactly was it about Riley that made Dr. Jonathan Crane tick; made him lose focus? His mind when back to the day she first walked into his office. The way that white dress rides up her legs drove him insane, (as if he wasn't already.) it made him want to drop everything and run his long fingers up her soft porcelain thigh. Could it be the way her breathing hitched when he looked directly into her eyes for the first time? Her eyes held innocence, uneasiness, and a slight, very slight hint of fear-if you squint.

He took a quick sip of his coffee from his styrofoam cup while looking at his schedule for the week. Riley's birthday was this upcoming Friday. Friday was also their session day. How lucky he was to see her on her birthday; he said silently in his head with sarcasm. A knock on his door pulled him from his thoughts. He wasted no time in telling the person they could come in. Of course Dr. West comes into his office to make himself a nuisance. West had a stain on his cotton white button up shirt. Jonathan inwardly shuddered. He couldn't understand how someone so uncivilized could get through college, let alone get a job.

"It's good to have you back Dr. West; what can I do for you today?" He actually seemed to be doing better than when he seen him last.

"I actually came to give you a heads up." He said standing there posted up on the door with his arms crossed.

"What about?"

"Riley." Jonathan scowled at West silently. Every time he talked about her, he always had to say something very inappropriate. The last time when he asked Jonathan if he'd had sexual intercourse with her, it made him stiffen (in more ways than one) at the very thought of it. He must have had some type of guarded face, because West quickly spoke up.

"Nothing like that..." He trailed off before continuing.

"Her birthday is coming up." How did he know that? No matter how, actually why did he know? Yes she was previously his patient, but the fact that he remembered her birthday struck a chord in him. He tried not to snap at him; after all, he did kill his wife.

"I am well aware of that Dr. West."

"Yes but what you didn't know, was her father actually comes to see her every year on her birthday." The smug look on his face almost drove him to reach in his bag and spray him with fear toxin. He just wanted West gone.

"Alright, I appreciate the heads up. Thank you." But West didn't leave; in fact he didn't move at all. He just stood there and stared at him. After typing a few sentences on his Mac, he looked back up at Dr. West. "What is it?"

"You need to watch out." Was he threatening him? He quickly reached into his bag for fear toxin, but then West continued. "Her father is something else. He tries to get to you, there is something dark about him." He stopped rustling in his bag and pulled out a pen instead.

"Oh? Well in that case, you have nothing to worry about. I am sure I can handle him."

"And Riley... She tries everything in her power to get out of seeing him. One year she even went as far as to throw a pear at a guard so she would go to solitary confinement."

"Okay, I will keep that in mind." He said in a condescending fashion. West said his goodbyes and exited Jonathan's office. Now he was looking forward to Riley's birthday. Meeting Mr. Lenore would certainly be a treat and he silently wonders if he is an interesting as his daughter. Another sip of his coffee soothed his throat; and the hot liquid danced its way down. It was particularly cold in his office that day, causing him to drink coffee in his office. He simply avoided drinking and eating in his office for fear that he might spill something; since he was an overly careful, neat freak. He glanced at his watch quickly. It was almost time for Riley's session, and he wanted to hurry up and finish his coffee. The fear toxin was almost ready to be tested again. He just needed to make the final adjustments to the formula. Hopefully the patient wouldn't kill themselves this time. Jonathan desperately wanted to test it out on someone who wasn't a patient. Dr. West was a strong possibility, but he wasn't sure of anything yet. The final change will be done by Monday; and that's when he'll make the choice to either use it on Dr. West or another one his patients.

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