Chapter 13- The Wicked Witch Melts

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Umm.  So yeah,  there is only two chapters left of this story. :'c

Dr. Jonathan Crane could not contain his anger. What Riley told him, completely set him off. It took him a good bit to clean his office after he trashed it. Sitting down on his session couch with a plop, he bitterly recalled what Riley had told him about his little ‘friend’ West.
“He forced me to blow him…” Riley says nervously. Jonathan felt his heart drop. His cool demeanor slowly began to ebb away.
“And once he tried to force himself upon me once, but I kicked him in the balls…”
“How many times had he made you do this?”
“A bunch.” She said with her voice above a whisper.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” He asked angrily. “God damn it, who was going to believe me? It is his word against mine!” He slammed his fist down on the armrests, while pinching the bridge of his nose. “There is something else…” Jonathan sighed heavily, dreading whatever else she was about to say.
“What is it?”
“Whatever he prescribed to me… It wasn’t like any drug I have ever felt before.”
“What do you mean?” “I felt like I was outside my body watching myself. I felt dizzy and I couldn’t walk; Jesus I couldn’t even stand. It was almost as if it was-”
“Rohypnol.” He whispered gravely.
“Yeah; roofies.” He held back a frustrated snarl. “How did he even manage to roofie you?”
“I don’t remember…”
“What do you remember?”
“Bits and pieces… I think he may have took advantage of me.” Riley shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

Jonathan got himself worked up again. All he could think about was West’s slimy little hands all over his Riley. West must have given it to her when he forged his signature. That was probably the cause of Riley’s ghastly appearance in one of the sessions. She probably felt alone and helpless. It took everything in his power not to give West the toxin right then. He decided he was going to give West fear toxin after some strategic planning. As the plan formed in his head, the smirk on his face grew wider.

“Hello Riley.”

“Hey Dr. Crane.” She smiled; he noticed she seemed to be feeling better than she was yesterday.


“What?” She asked confused.

“Please, call me Jonathan.” She blushed at his request.

“O-okay.” Her quiet voice stammered out, but then quickly clears her throat and regains her posture.

“So are you going to give Wicked Witch West that toxin?” He smiled,  nothing got past her.

“That was suppose be a surprise.” She giggled. “But to answer your question, yes, in fact I am.” He said smugly.

“Can I ask for a favor?” She suddenly appeared nervous.

“Of course.” Jonathan seemed amused by her sudden demeanor change.

“C-can I watch when you… ya know do it?” Surprised etched on his face.

“You want to watch me kill Dr. West?”

“Yes.” He thought for a moment. She could be beneficial in luring West into his trap,  she could get close enough to West. But he also didn’t want her to be scarred; she already seen her mother die, and he wasn’t sure if she could handle watching someone else die.

“I-I mean if it’s too much-” She started, snapping him out of his thoughts.


“I figured you would say no-wait you said yes?” he laughed at her.

“Yes I said yes.” She emitted some sort of squeal noise from her throat. “But.” He started, and she immediately looked hesitant. “I need your help in luring him; do you think you can handle that?” She flashed him a smile.

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