《。☆*:.。.~ 1 ~.。.:*☆。》

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You wake up to your alarm as always. Your mother of course was already gone off to work.

You let out a loud yawn, sitting up from your (size) bed, pulling you (colour) bed sheets off your body.

You rolled your shoulders around, slightly shaking your body to get your brain to function.

Ah great..

Another day of hell...

You force your still tired body out of bed and to your washroom where you had stripped from your p.j's and into the shower.

After your shower you towel dried yourself and picked your new outfit for the day.

A pair of tight (colour) jeans, a (colour) tank top and a (colour) crop top over top.

You pulled on a pair of (colour) socks and your (colour) combat boots.

You quickly brushed your (h/c) hair and styled in your usual hair style as you added a little bit of make up.

It's been tough lately. It just has been you and your mom ever since your dad had to go to jail.

Thankfully you were off with a warning but had to do some community service.

Of course you helped your mom out. You ended up working at a small cafe which gave you a good amount of pay to help out your mom.

You loved your father. You both shared a love for cars and ever since you were little you helped your dad work on cars and having fun with them.

But addictions do get out of hand and sometimes you have to pay for the consequences.

You let out a sigh as you looked in the mirror, examining yourself. Once you felt good you grabbed your back pack and headed down stairs grabbing a quick snack as you head out the door.

You grabbed your (colour) scooter from the garage and helmet and drove to school.

《。☆*:.。.~ ❤️ ~.。.:*☆。》

Hello. ◉‿◉

First of all thank you for actually reading my book I really appreciate it ε-('∀`; )

It means so much to me, like it really does.

Anyways sorry for the short chapter. When I typed this up in my notes it seemed longer but it's not ಠ_ಠ so fuck you note app!

Anyways stay tuned for more!

The Boy and his Yellow Camaro (Sam X reader)Where stories live. Discover now