《。☆*:.。.~ 15 ~.。.:*☆。》

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:*Sam's POV*:

As I brace for impact I felt a large metal hand grab me. I open my eyes to see Optimus.

I stared up at him as Prime held on to me. "Don't worry I got you boy."

He placed me on his chest plate. "Hold on to the cube." I nodded and he began to drop, jumping down from one building to the next. I held on the cube along with holding on to him.

That's when Megatron began to come down to, launching himself right at Prime.

The three of us come crashing down. I opened my eyes as Prime had me covered with his two large servos.


I looked at him, as he sheathed his mouth guard from faceplate. "You risked your life to protect the cube."

I take in a sharp inhale as I state the old Witwicky saying. "No sacrifice, no victory.."

"If I can not defeat Megatron, you must push the cube into my chest, I will sacrifice myself to destroy it.." Optimus stated as I met his blue optics.

I worked down a swallow and nodded. "Get behind me.."

I nodded and did what I was told, taking quick cover.

"It's you and me Megatron." Prime growled as he slowly got from the ground.

"Oh, it's just me, Prime." Megatron growled as he stood up tall and proud as he got into a fighting stance.

I run through the crack of the road dodging some falling gravel.

"At the end of this one shall stand and one shall fall." Optimus stated as Megatron snarled at him, throwing Prime against a stone building.

"You still fight for the weak! That's why you lose!" Megatron snarled angrily as he grabbed Optimus by his shoulders and smashed the Autobot leader to the ground.

I brought my arm to my face, shielding myself from loose gravel and dirt.

I looked up to see upcoming jets, firing at the helicopter Con. The soldiers and the jets both killed the helicopter before it could reach both Megatron and Optimus's battle.

I peered through some of the wreckage. I watched in horror as Megatron kicked Optimus in the face, as he was trying to crawl away from him.

I ran out of hiding just as the soldiers and other jets began to fire at Megatron.

Megatron snarled as he tried to get to Optimus who was trying to regain his strength.

I let out a small scream as I made my way over to Optimus. "Come back here boy!" Megatron snarled as three more missiles were fired at his shoulders.

As Megatron tried to grab me, Optimus extended his arm, causing him to trip and fall.

I rolled onto my side and onto my back as I began to shuffle away from him. Megatron snarled as he began to crawled over to me. "I'll kill you! Mine! All-Spark!" He growled as blue liquid escaped his wounds.

Prime rolled over to his side as he watched in horror. "Sam! Put the cube in my chest now!" He cried out through the gun fire.

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