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Just to go over of who owns what's during the process of making this story!

Songs: (all listed in order from authors note-the epilogue)

Authors Note- "K A I R O S" By-Prxmer (YouTube)
Chapter 1- /no image or video/
Chapter 2- "Haven't had enough" by: MsCottonSnow (YouTube)
Chapter 3- /no image or video/
Chapter 4- "Two Punks InLove" By Bülow
Chapter 5- /no image or video/
Chapter 6- /no image or video/
Chapter 7- "Ignite" | Transformers Prime by: Prxmer (YouTube)
Chapter 8- "Hiding Place" | HBD SHANNON | By: MsLightningPrime (YouTube)
Chapter 9- "C'mon" | For MsLightningPrime by: MidNightProduction (YouTube)
Chapter 10- "Still I fly" By MsLightningPrime (YouTube)
Chapter 11- /no image or video/
Chapter 12- Natasha Blume -Black Sea
Chapter 13- "Heroes" | Transformers
By Pxrmer (YouTube)
Chapter 14- "Surivior" | Transformers By Prxmer (YouTube)
Chapter 15- "Circles" | Multifandom | By: MsLightningPrime
Epilogue- This Feeling by: The Chainsmokers
Thanks- "The Crown" | Megatron By: Prxmer
Credits- "Shelter" | Transformers| For Missocupus By: Prxmer (YouTube)

All songs used, rightfully belong to the original singers, as for the fan made videos and the lyric made videos rightfully belong to the YouTuber who created them.

Please go and subscribe to the video makers to support them!

Owners of scenes etc:
Movie: Transformers
Creators: Michael Bay and other writers, producers etc.
Transformer merchandise
rightfully belong to Hasbro, the movies are rightfully owned to Hasbro, Michael bay and other writers etc.
I do not own any actors, actresses, or any of the Transformer movies or merchandise.

I have written this book for the simply entertainment etc.

Please take note that not all the scenes from the book copy the movie, most chapters written rightfully belong to me, while most chapters were taken from the movie but placed and ordered in my own point of view and so on.

The character as in the reader that was inserted by the view rightfully belongs to the viewer.(as in you)

Take note this will be a stand alone, which won't be turned into a series. I want to thank you all once again for reading my book and supporting me throughout the journey!

Love you all!

Please do not, copy, steal or share my stories! These were my own ideas, yes I had copied bits and pieces of the Transformer movie but I had taken it to my own words and point of views.

This book will only be strictly found on my Wattpad page, if you see this book else where please notify me immediately!

Thank you!

Don't forget to check out my other novels on Wattpad!

Oh and maybe you should even follow me! Eh? Eh?

Anyways, bye!!

Love always your crazy author,
Alexandra Capone

Love you all!

Oh and please check out this video. I was watching it while I was finishing up and editing and it made me choke up XD

Song: "Hallelujah" | TLK
Created by: MsLightningPrime
Please go follow them on YouTube!

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