《。☆*:.。.~ 4 ~.。.:*☆。》

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Getting home was easy, getting ready was a little crazy.

You rushed inside, running to your room, nearly falling face first up the stairs.

You stripped down and jumped into the shower, doing a quick wash before towel drying and fixing your (h/c) hair in its usually style.

You pulled out a clean pair of underwear and bra both (colour) which was your favorite colour.

You grabbed a pair of (colour) jean shorts and a (colour) short sleeve crop top.

You grabbed a (colour) plaid shirt which you tied around you waist and a new pair of socks and a pair of short cut (colour) heel boots.

You checked your face and added a little bit of makeup and a spray of perfume.

Just before you knew it, Trent was knocking at the door.

You quickly grabbed your purse and phone and rushed down the stairs and out the door.

"Hey you look cute." Trent greeted as you blushed a little tucking a lock of your (h/c) hair being your ear.


He smiled as you both got to the truck and he drove you both to the lake where a lot of the kids from school were swimming or jamming out.

His whole squad was playing football and sharing a few drinks cause that's what boys do.

"Hey, you look cute." Mikaela called out as you rolled your (e/c) eyes with a smile. "So do you. I love your skirt." You replied as she chuckled. "Why thanks. So how are you and Trent doing?" She asked once he went to chill with his guys.

You didn't want to say horrible. Dating him wasn't so bad but it's not fair to him that you have a crush on Sam. Some girls might think your crazy for crushing on a guy like Sam when here you are dating a smoking hot guy.

God sometimes I hate emotions..

Trent tossed the football back to his friend as you looked over to see Sam and Miles pull to the side of the road in his yellow Camaro.

So he did buy the car.


You leaned against the driver's side door of Trent's car as Sam just so happened to walk up to you and stopped at the tree right beside Trent.

Sam looked at you as you smiled at him, waving a little. You already knew why he was here, he wanted to impress Mikaela.

Part of you hated the fact that he was here for her but she's rated as single, and as much as you hate it, you're rated as taken.

Then Trent strolled over towards Sam and his friend. Miles grabbed hold of the thick pale tree branch and he hung upside down.

"Hey Witwicky what you doing here?" He asked with a smirk as you rolled your (e/c) eyes. "We're here to climb this tree." He replied as Trent nodded. "Yeah I can see that. It looks like fun."

After a small moment Trent continued to speak.

"Hey didn't you try out for the football team last year?" He asked as you bite down on your lower lip.

"Ah..no that wasn't me trying out...I was just researching a book I was doing a book I was writing."

"Oh yeah?"


"Yeah what's it about? Sucking at sports?" Trent chuckled as he watched with a smirk and Sam looked at him.

"No it's about the link between brain damage and football."

Trent glared at him and Sam continued. You couldn't help but giggle.

The Boy and his Yellow Camaro (Sam X reader)Where stories live. Discover now