《。☆*:.。.~ 2 ~.。.:*☆。》

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You park your scooter in the usual place at the parking lot, grabbing your keys and helmet as you walked inside the large and very old highschool. Kids swarmed the hallways, the loud chatter and laughter of other high schooler's of kids filled your ears.

After what seemed like forever; you finally managed to get to your locker. Of course your locker was right next to Sam's. You couldn't help but smile as you see him at his own locker. There he as mumbling away to himself as he struggled to get his bag into the thin metal closet. 

"Hey Sam." You greeted as you opened your locker. He looked over at you and smiled.

"Hey (y/n)." He replied as he went back to search through his bag, franticly.

"Hey you ok?" You asked as he sighed. "My great-great grandfathers glasses. It's for my genealogy report." He exclaimed all to quickly as you knelt down and looked into his locker and smiled as you caught glimpse of the glasses.

"Found 'em."

He looked at you and let out a laugh of relief. "Thanks (y/n)."

You chuckled as you handed him his glasses. "Anytime Witwicky."

You saw his cheeks get a little pink as you giggled a little more.

The bell then rings and you sighed, as you both stood up. "I'll see you in class." You replied as you grabbed your binder and met up with Mikaela.

"Hey (nickname)." She greeted as you smiled. "Hey Mika, how's it going."

She rolled her eyes at her nickname. You chuckled as Trent walked up to the both of you and sling's an arm around your shoulders.

Mikaela had set you two up since Trent had a thing for you. Yeah, he's hot but not your type. But since your such a great gal you agreed to it.

What also sucked is that Trent is a complete dick to Sam, and Sam has a crush on Mikaela.

"Off to class then." You stated as you removed yourself from Trent's arm as he pulled you close, kissing you. "See you later." He replied with a smirk as you chuckled. "Don't get your hopes up."


The bell rings and its down to the final class.

You head to your locker, grabbing your binder as you saw Sam gathering his things.

"So you ready to present?" You asked as he nodded. "Yeah I think so...all I need is to get that final
A+." He replied as you nodded, "for your car fund right? How's it going?" You asked as he sighed, "I made my 2 grand I just need that last A." He replied as you smiled, "so did you make any money off your eBay?"

He blushed as you chuckled once more. "I can't wait to see what you have to say." You added on as you head over to your last class.

You get in your seat next to Trent as always as Mikaela sits on your right. The final bell rings and Sam gets in last, sitting near the back next to his friend Miles.

Mr. Hosney sighed as he sits up from his chair.

"Ok Mr. Witwicky you're up."

"Ok.." As he walked past, you gave him a small smile as you watched him get up.

He emptied out his bag and he blushed slightly.

"Sorry I got a lot of stuff .."

You watched at Trent leaned over towards you as raised a brow at him. "Watch this."

"Ok...for my family gen-"

Sam was cut off when Trent flicked a rubber band at him. You glared glared at him as Mr. Hosney stood up and snapped. "Who did that? Who did that?" The classes laughed lightly as both Mikaela share a small look as your cheeks cheeks flushed. "People-responsibility.." He sits back down.

"Can you not!" You hissed at Trent as he raised his hands in defeat. "Hey I was just having a little fun Babe."

"Don't call me babe." You spat as you shuffled away from him.

Sam looked back at the teacher and then he began to talk.

"Ok..um ok so for my family genealogy report I decided to do it on my great-great grandfather who is a famous man Captain Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explore in fact he was one of the first to explore the Arctic circle...this is a big deal.."

He took in a breath.

"In 1897 he took 41 brave sailors straight into the Arctic shelf. So that's the story right? And here we have some of the basic instruments and tools used by 19 century seamen."

The class giggled and you rolled your (e/c) eyes. Mr. Hosney held up the stop sign thing.

"This here is the squadron. Which is for eight bucks. This stuff is all for sale by the way. Like the sexton here." The class laughed again and the teacher held up the sign again.

"50 dollars for this. This is a bargain. These are pretty cool. These are my Grandfather's glasses. I haven't got them appraised yet but they see many cool things."

"Are you going to sell me his liver?" The teacher asked with a tired tune in his voice.

Sam slightly put down the glasses. "Mr.Witwicky this isn't show and tell this is the eleventh grade. I don't think your grandfather would be proud of you."

"I know I'm sorry it's just-this is all going towards my car fund. Tell your folks its is on eBay. I take PayPal. Cold hard cash works too. And the compass makes a great gift for-for uh Columbus Day."

"Sam." The teacher says as he buried his face into his hands.


Sam pulled up an old newspaper article and a piece of old paper with weird symbols on it.

"Unfortunately my great-great grandfather the genius that he was went up going blind and crazy into the psycho ward drawing these weird symbols and going on about an ice man that he-"

He was cut off by the bell and you sighed. You then began to gather up your things.

"(Y/n), I was only playing around." Trent exclaimed as you rolled your eyes.

"It was mean. Why do you always gotta pick on him?"

"I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

You sighed as you gave him one last look before kissing his cheek. "You better, or I swear to god." He chuckled, grasping your hand. "I'll pick you up later for the lake party."

You nodded as he kissed you one last time before he walked out with the rest of his friends.

Mikaela smiled over at you as you blushed. "Oh shut up."

"Might be a pop quiz tomorrow lighten up!" Mr. Hosney stated loudly as he walked around his desk. "Sleep in fear tonight."

Sam of course was still holding his great-great grandfathers glasses.

"50, 40, 30.."

"Sam!" The teacher called out as you couldn't help but chuckle.

"S-sorry, sorry.."

He made his way to the teachers desk and he had a big smile on his lips.

You look at Sam once more. Gosh he's so cute..GAH!!!

You head to your locker and grab your keys and helmet. "I'll see you later Mika."

You both hugged and you went to your scooter bike.

As you walked down the sidewalk you caught glimpse of Sam's dad in his green car. "Hello Mr.Witwicky." You greeted as he looked over at you.

"Oh hey (y/n) how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good. If your wondering where Sam is, he's still with the teacher." You replied as he nodded. "Thanks kiddo."

You nodded as you then made your way to your scooter and started it up and drove on home.

《。☆*:.。.~ ❤️ ~.。.:*☆。》

Hope you all like the book so far. What are your thoughts so far? More updates coming soon!

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