《。☆*:.。.~ 7 ~.。.:*☆。》

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Sam's car began to transform. Then the other monster who was faking to be a police officer transformed as well launching himself at the now transformed alien car.

You screamed as Sam pulled you backwards just in time before you could get crushed.

The cop car snarled as he moved his arms around pulling out long spikes, swinging them around like knujmchucks.

Sam panted as he grabbed your arm, you both began to run. The evil robot ran towards you, out from his chest popped out another mean robot thing.  

Sam grabbed your hand as you began to run as the tiny robot and the big one began to chase us. Sam's yellow car ran to stop the cop car.

It quickly used its chains knocked the yellow robot into a power line cylinder.

You gasped and watched in horror. Sam grabbed your arm. "(Y/n)! Let's get out of here!"

Without looking back Sam and you ran for cover, trying to get away from those two robots and their death match.

Then the weird one out of nowhere grabbed Sam making you fall aswell. "Sam!" You screamed as he struggled to get it off of him.

"It's got me! (Y/n), get out of here! Run!"

You spun around and ran down a steep hill were you found shelves of power tools.


You looked around until you finally saw a power saw. From afar you could hear Sam's screaming.

As you ran over to where Sam was, he was up against a fence with the monster clawing at him and getting all in his face.

Without any hesitation you sliced down cutting its arms and body apart.

The creature squealed as it was torn apart from its body. "Get it! Get it! Get it!" Sam shrieked as you cut the thing up.

The robot let out angry and painful whirs as his head glitch and twitched.

"NOT SO TOUGH WITH A HEAD NOW ARE YOU?!" Sam snapped at it, as he then kicked it so hard it went flying. You both were out breath as he then grabbed your hand again "come on."

Slowly you get back to the main part of the hydro plant. As Sam walk closer to the small hill you see his car walking over towards you from the top of the hill.

You both stayed frozen in place as you looked at the large robot. "What is it?"

"L-like a different..you know, like a super advanced robot..like Japanese. Yeah it's definitely Japanese.." Sam mumbled as he stepped close to the robot.

"What are you doing?" You asked as he looked up at it.

"I don't think it wants to hurt us. It would've don't that already."

"Really? Well, do you speak robot? Because they had, like a giant droid death match." You hissed as the robot rested its giant hands on its waist as it whirred softly at the both of you.

"I think he wants something from me.." He replied as he looked at you and smiled.

"Well 'cause the other one was talking about m eBay page." He added on as you sighed, brushing your fingers through your (h/c) hair. "Oh yeah cause that makes sense."

"Can you talk?!" Sam asked it as it looked over at you both.

"XM stadight FM radio. Digital cable brings you-Columbia Broadcasting System."

"So you talk through the radio?" Sam asked as he cautiously stepped closer.

"Thank you, you're beautiful, you're wonderful, you're wonderful." He stated making an audience sound and clapped with his big hands.

"So what was that last night?" Sam asked once more as the robot looked up at the sky, pointing up to the dark sky

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"So what was that last night?" Sam asked once more as the robot looked up at the sky, pointing up to the dark sky.

"A message from the star fleet Captain-throughout the inanimate vastness of space-like visitors from heaven! Hallelujah!"

"Visitors from heaven...so are you like an alien?" You asked as you stepped next to Sam, looking up at the robot.

He whirred at you, before he began to transform again into Sam's car and you smiled at Sam and at the robot.

The robot popped the door open and spoke again.

"Anymore questions you wanna ask?"

"He wants us to get in the car.." Sam whispered as you let out a soft laugh as you looked at him.

"And go where?" You asked Sam, as he smiled at you, making your heart flutter.

"50 years from now, looking back at life, don't you want to say you had the guts to get in the car?" Sam asked as you smiled, blushing a little blushed, getting into the car as Sam followed you in.

The car pulled over to the side from where Sam had lost his pants and were you had dropped your purse and your phone.

"Let's get out of here." Sam huffed as he tugged on his jeans and got back in the car.

Without another word, you drive off.

《。☆*:.。.~ ❤️ ~.。.:*☆。》

Hope you all are liking it!

More coming soon! Bye!!

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