《。☆*:.。.~ 6 ~.。.:*☆。》

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*:Sam's POV:*

"It was an awesome spectacle here an hour ago when over 40 C-17s lifted off of this very base." The new cast man stated as I looked at my t.v before tossing another basketball in the net of my room.

I sighed, getting up from my bed, changing into some clothes as I head into the kitchen.

"Morning Mo." I greeted my dog as I head to the fridge.

"The government has been very quiet about what's going on but they were headed directly towards North Korea."

Mojo jumps up to the windowsill and began to bark. "Stop with the barking Mojo. It's too early. Please?"

I asked as I grabbed the cartoon of milk. As I peek out the window I see the yellow Camaro.

I let out a scream as I drop the milk.

Oh god no!

:*Your POV*:

You wake up around 9ish. Getting yourself ready to meet up with your friends.

You weren't all keen on the whole eating out thing but your mom said you could go out so why the hell not right?

You jump into he shower, grabbing a pair of (colour) underwear and bra, including a pair of (colour) pants and a (colour) t-shirt and a leather jacket.

Once you finished bathing you dried off and got dressed. You styled your (h/c) hair in its usual style and added a little bit of makeup for the hell of it.

Once you felt comfortable you grabbed your shoes, scooter keys and your purse.

You were out the door, and into the garage with your helmet. You got on your scooter before driving out and meeting up with your friends.

:*At Burger King*:

You ordered your favorite order as you and your friends along with Mika of course.

You all are outside at one of the stone tables, with a  red, blue and white umbrella that was attached to the table to provide some shade from the sun.

As you sipped your (favourite drink) as you hear a scream you know all too well.

In matters of seconds you see Sam, coming in fast down the sidewalk on a pink girly bike.


He couldn't hear, nor did he notice you. In matters of seconds, he drives over the crack of the sidewalk. He let out a scream as he flipped over, landing back first onto the side walk.


*:Sam's POV:*

I turned and see (y/n) and Mikaela, with their group of friends. Just great..

Mikaela looked over at me as (y/n) stared down at me with horror.

"Hi." I grunted and struggled to get up. She worked down a swallow. "That was uh...that was really awesome."

The Boy and his Yellow Camaro (Sam X reader)Where stories live. Discover now