《。☆*:.。.~ 8 ~.。.:*☆。》

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"He's a pretty good driver." You whispered as you awkwardly hovered over the driver seat.

"Why won't you sit in the seat there?" Sam asked you as you rolls your (e/c) eyes.

"I'm not gonna sit in that seat he's driving."


More silence which made it even more awkward.

"Maybe you should sit on my lap?"

You felt your heart skip a beat as you hear those words slip out of his mouth.

You take a deep breath, acting chill meanwhile you were dreaming out. "Why?" You asked as you glued your focus on the road.

"Well I have the only seat belt here you know...safety first.." Sam replied simply as you take in a deep breath, biting back the smile, "yeah ok.."

You from hovering over between the two seats to Sam's lap. You blushed as you sit on his lap. He slowly leans the seat back, wrapping one arm around your waist as he used his other hand to put the belt around the both of you.

"You know that seat belt thing was a pretty smooth move." You whispered as his alien car continued to drive.

Sam laughed and you smiled a bit more. "Thank you."

"You know what I don't understand?" You starter as you licked your lower lip.

"What?" Sam asked softly as you sighed. "Why is he suppose to be this super advance robot then turn back into this piece of crap Camaro?"

Suddenly his car pressed on the breaks causing both you and Sam to jolt forward.

Both Sam and you get out of his car quickly as many honked their horn at you.


"No! You see that now you pissed him off!" San snapped as you both get out and to the sidewalk.

"Great, now...see?" Sam spat as you both watched his car speed off. "Fantastic." He added on as you sighed, brushing your finger through your (h/c) hair.

"Now you pissed him off." Sam stated as he gestured his hand to his yellow car which was driving away.

"That car- is sensitive ok? I mean, four thousand dollars drove off!" Sam continued on as you sighed, "look I didn't know your car would freak out like that ok?"

He sighed, cursing under his breath as he paced down the sidewalk of the highway tunnel with his hands folded at the back of his head.

"Sam.." You whispered as you saw a yellow Camaro driving towards you. The loud engines purred as it slowly came to a stop.

"What?" Sam stated with disbelief as he slowly turned to look at his new and improved alien car.

Both you and Sam stared at each other for a minute or so before he stepped toward the car, opening the door as you stepped in, sitting in the passenger seat and Sam sitting in the driver's seat.

He looked over at you gave him a smile. "This robot is kinda cool." You replied as Sam let out a faint chuckle.

In matters of seconds his car took off driving again. After a while or so his yellow Camaro drives through some old gates with some warning signs, that led to a museum.

(Ok I know what that white building is. So you know where both Sam and Mikaela see the Autobot's crash landing and there's that white building, I don't know what it is so bare with me!)

The Boy and his Yellow Camaro (Sam X reader)Where stories live. Discover now