《。☆*:.。.~ 12 ~.。.:*☆。》

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Everyone had followed both Bancheck and Simmons to a separate hallway tunnel to a flight of stairs and to a medium size room.

"What your about to see is the crown jewel." Simmons informed as you entered the room.

You (e/c) widened as you see the large cube, where lots of men where working at the base of the cube.

"Carbon dating puts the Cube here around 10,000 BC. The first Seven didn't find it until 1913. They knew it was alien because of the matching hieroglyphics on the cube as well as NBE 1." He exclaimed as everyone has looked at the Cube in awe.

"President Hover built the damn around it. Four foot ball fields thick of concrete. Perfect way to hide its energy from anyone and or alien species outside." Bancheck added on as your jaw dropped.

"Wait back up you said the damn hides the cubes energy. What kind exactly?" Maggie asked as you nodded in agreement.

"Good question."

*:Small time skip:*

You enter yet another room. A small glass box was placed in the middle of the room with many long thick and small wires connected to the metal box that it was connected to.

There was no windows or any way out. Only the heavy bolted door that you all entered from.

"Please step inside, they have to lock us in." Bancheck stated as you all entered and the heavy metal door was closed and locks behind you.

"Oh wow...what's that? Freddy Krueger done been up in here or something?" Epps asked as he looked at the deep claw marks and torn up parts at the top corner of the metal wall.

"Oh, no, man. Freddy Krueger have four blew, man. That's only three. That's Wolverine." Glenn corrected as he made a motion with his hand and he let out a laugh.

"Right? That's Wolverine?" Glenn asked as he pointed to the scarred up wall.

"That's very funny." Simon sneered as he glared at him and you groaned.

"Anyone have any mechanical devices? BlackBerry? Key alarm? Cell phone? Black Berry?" Simmons asked as Glenn pulled out his cell phone from his pant pocket.

"I got a phone." He mumbled out as he tossed it over to Simmons who walked over to the metal box and opened the tiny hatch.

"Oh, Nokias are real nasty. You've got to respect the Japanese. They know the way of the samurai." Simmons stated as you were all handed out goggles to wear. You nervously stood next to Sam as everyone stood around the glass box.

Simmons placed the phone in the box, with it opened and turned on. He closed the door as Maggie leaned over to the Secretary. "Nokia's from Finland.." She whispered as he nodded, "yes well...he's a bit strange. He's a little strange."

We all put on safety goggles as Simmons walked over to the panel box that wasn't to far from the box as he began to flip switches.

"We're able to take the cubes radiation and bring it the that box." He stated as there was a flash as the phone made a weird sound, as it jolted and suddenly it transformed into a tiny robot.

The robot charged towards both you and Sam as the box sparked and it growled. He then charged at the other side of the box and it bounced back.

"Mean little sucker eh?" Simmons asked as he walked around, not taking his eyes off the tiny robot.

"That thing is freaky!" Maggie stated as the little robot growled.

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