《。☆*:.。.~ 5 ~.。.:*☆。》

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*:Sam's POV:*

"No,no,no,no,NO!" I saw my car pull out if the drive way and down the road.

I run out to my porch as I see my car being driven out of the stone driveway. "No! No that's my car!" I screamed.

I ran back inside, grabbing my car keys, my shoes and my jacket. I rush down the stairs. Slipping on my shoes.

I ran to the back door of the house, and cut through the path at the side of the house, grabbing my bike. "DAD CALL THE COPS!" I screamed as I began to ride my bike, chasing after my car.

I started yelling at the ass hole. "Stop! That's my car!" I shouted as I pedaled faster, getting closer.

"Where are you going with my car buddy? Huh? Where you going?" I panted out as I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed 9-1-1.

"Yeah! Hey! My car is being stolen! I'm in pursuit! Right? I need the whole squadron. Bring everyone! No I got no time for questions alright! My father's head of the neighborhood watch!" I screamed at the receptionist, hanging up the phone.

I pedaled faster until I caught up with my car. I followed it to the railroad tracks. It was in the middle of nowhere. The thief drove through the gates and passed over the tracks before the train came. I got off my bike and watched the train go by.

Finally the train passed I went over the tracks and hid behind an old truck. I gasped stumbling backwards which caused me to fall on my ass. There standing was a yellow and black giant robot.

"O-oh. My. God.." I whispered in disbelief. It was flashing a bright beam of light.

I kept staring at it but as bright light blinded me and I ducked down.

I pulled out my phone, I get to recoding and pressed record.

"My name is Sam Witwicky. Who ever finds this my car is alive." I kneeled up to take a picture and I ducked back down again.

"You saw that? If this is my last words I just want to say mom, dad I love you, and if you find bustie beauties under my bed it wasn't mine I'm holding it for Miles, no wait ok that's not true, it's mine and uncle Charles gave it to me, I'm sorry. Mojo I love you."

I closed my phone and I slowly rose up from the truck that I was hiding behind to take another peek at the robot but it was gone?!

Slowly as I rose from the ground two big dogs came running towards me.

I let out a loud scream as I took off running, but they were catching up fast.

I climb over a small pile of pebbles, falling into the wood chips. I coughed, scrabbling back up onto my feet as I took off running again.

Then in the giant maze of junk was a shack. I run in and climbed up on a pile of crates.

The two dogs were jumping nipping at my feet. "No, your a good dog! Good dog! Good dog!" I yelled. I tried to climb higher but there was no where else to go.

Next thing I know the car smashed through the doors scaring off the dogs.

"I'm sorry! Here take the keys! I don't want it! The cars yours!" I screamed as I tossed my keys in the car and I jumped off the crates and bolted out of there.

Out of nowhere there was flashing lights and I was surrounded by cops.

Relief washed over me. "Thank god your here-" "let me see your hands!" The two cops shouted at me with their guns pointed my way.

"Wait what?! No it's not me! The guy is inside-"

"Let me see your hands!"

"But it's not me! I swear to god he's inside!" I snapped as I had my hands raised in the air.

"Shut up walk slowly towards the car.." I sighed and raised my hands up and did what I was told.

"Put your head on the hood."

I take in a deep breath before I walked right to the car and slammed my forehead against the hood of the cruiser.

*:At The Cop Station:*

"Look, I'm telling you the truth I'm not crazy. It just stood up." I told the officer. He gave me the damn crazy look. "It just stood up?" He repeated and I nodded.

"Wow. That's really neat. Ok cheifie. Time to fill her up, no drippy drippy." He says handing me an orange-yellowish container.

"What are you rolling? Whippets? Goofballs? A little wowie sauce with the boys." I glared at him, becoming more than done with his whole conversation. "No I'm not on drugs." I replied angrily.

"What's this then? Found it in your pocket." He shows me the little container. Mojo's meds.

"Mojo. Is what kids are doing now? A little bit of Mojo?"

"Those are my dog painkillers." I stated as the cop shook Mojo's pills.

"You know a little chihuahua." Dad exclaimed as he made a small hand motion like a dog.

Then my eyes wandered to his side where he had his gun. Then he caught me looking at it.

"What's that you're eyeballing?" He asked as I leaned back from my chair slightly, not meeting bus gaze.

"You wanna go? Make something happen. Do. It. Cause I promise you...I will bust you up."

"Are you on drugs?"

"Are you on drugs?"

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《。☆*:.。.~ ❤️ ~.。.:*☆。》

Here's another chapter for ya. I hoped you all liked it. More chapters coming soon!


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