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Ok well before I announce the winner of the cover competition, I would love to thank all of you amazing people for your absolutely amazingly fabulous covers. They are positively all fantastic and I can’t thank you all enough for your submissions, it was extremely difficult to just choose one winner and before I do just a shout out to all of you people for the awesome covers;






But alas, there can only be one winner and that is…..*insert drumroll here*  

@LOTRlover77 !!!!!

Your cover was absolutely beyond fabulous;

Legolas: *sulks* Yeah not as fabulous as me though *sassy hair flip* 

*facepalm* Anyway, the cover is absolutely hilarious and adorable and everything I could have asked for, so thank you so very much for this wonderful submission ^-^ So all credit goes to for this fantastically amazing cover goes to her.  

Alright let’s get started on the prizes;   

First up this person is absolutely sweet and nice and just generally an amazing person all together. So I have no idea why you’re still here ‘cause you need to go right now and follow this amazing person, and maybe if you’re feeling nice leave a pm? :D She is the author of two amazing books called; ‘Behind these Hazel Eyes’ and ‘My Story Ideas’ which you need to go check out because one of them is a Harry Potter fan fiction and the other is filled with amazing ideas for new stories AND they’re both freakin fabulous so go comment, vote n_n  Ok so if you need a friend, then you won’t find anyone better than this fabulously wonderful person! Fabulous approved by Thranduil himself ;P 

Ok so the other prizes will follow shortly so thank you all once again for all your amazing covers, seriously means a lot to me ^_^ Updates will be posted soon; so once again thank you all for your patience. Alright so I'm all out of thank you's so.....


-MJ :D Xx

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