- 12 - Nostalgia -

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I can't be happy for you now

"I say we kick the door down."

Jisung sighed and looked at him sternly, "For the last time Felix we are not kicking the door down."

"You usually like kicking doors down..." Felix grumbled as he sank into his chair.

"If we wreck whatever this is Minho is planning he will actually kill us."

"Or maybe you just don't want to upset your crush." Felix giggled and Jisung went so red I couldn't help but snort quietly. Apart from it wasn't very quiet. And Jisung tried to give me a dark look as well but he was already too red and embarrassed to pull it off.

I cast my eyes around the room we were sat in. It looked like the foyer or reception room of the building we were in, the lights cast a pale orange-yellow glow around the room.

Each wall was covered end to end in chairs and there was a table in the middle with some chocolate bars on it.

Well, there was chocolate bars, until Felix had at the table.

And apart from that there was one door for a toilet and another door, this time locked and with a no entry sign on it. The one Felix wanted to kick down.

Eventually we all brought our phones out waiting for Minho to arrive - if he ever would.

"So you like Minho?" I spoke up and Jisung flinched and turned to Felix in accusation.

If he did like Minho I would have to do my duty as best friend and make sure he passed the test. He seems alright enough though.

"I er- umm.."

"Yes or no." I raise one skeptical eyebrow.

"Then yes." He says firmly, no hint of his joking personality in his eyes.

"But what about your.." I trail off and point at my arm suggestively. Soulmate. The meaning went unspoken around the room.

"It ah- it didn't work out." He scratched the back of his hand absentmindedly, clearly not wanting to share more.

"If its all the same to you, I'd rather not talk about mine either please." Felix said, low and hushed.

What a bunch we are.

Unhappiness surrounding the bond isn't all that uncommon but usually at least half of a group of friends has no problems with it.

The door burst open, "Chan my love I have finally arrived!"

"Yay." I reply refraining myself from rolling my eyes at his over dramatic entrance. Still not having completely forgiven him for leaving me blindfolded in the middle of the road.

He grabs my arm and pulls me towards the locked door, fidgeting his keys out of his pocket as he walks. I smile at Seungmin as we go past him and he gives a little wave back.

I notice that Minho's key fidgeting looks shaky and I try to catch his eyes to ask if he's alright, but he's focused on the keys, and trying to stop his halting fingers from dropping them.

"Others." He nods at Jisung and Felix as he walks past. Jisung's eyes flash with a glimmer of hurt but it's gone as soon as it appears.

"Minho." He replies softly. 

Soon we're through the other side of the door, the walls are all dark, everything is dark but Minho guides me through the room to what I assume is the centre.

All around me the walls turn white with light, above me are four projectors, hanging from the ceiling; one pointing to each wall.

On the floor is a pile of beanbags and cushions and blankets. I settle down into them and pull Minho down with me.

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