- 38 - Goodbye -

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The end

Two years later


No matter how many times Minho called him, Felix was still sat on the couch in Chan's apartment, typing away furiously on his phone.

Minho hit the phone out of Felix's hands and it skittered across the floor, coming to rest next to the mountains of boxes and bags and suitcases.

In fact the only thing that remained furniture wise in the entire room was the sofa.

"Minho..." Felix groaned as he turned his phone over, thankfully the screen wasn't broken, but Minho was going to have to compensate him with sweets anyway.

"Everyone is coming over Felix. Everyone. The house needs to look presentable." Minho went over to Jeongin and Chan who were talking in hushed tones by the door.

"It's just full of boxes, fuckingboxes..." Felix grumbled as he went over to join them.

Chan and Jeongin were stood by the door, hands interlaced, looking at each other like the world was theirs. A pang went through Felix's chest at the sight, but he was happy for them. They were moving away, buying a house, he would definitely force them to buy a dog, maybe a cat as well. And the more houses his friends owned, the more guest rooms he could stay in and the more people would he could judge the cuisine of. Though he doubted anyone would beat Minho for quality early morning and left-over late night foodstuffs.


Chan watched Felix closely, he seemed to stand by the door like he was loitering, like something was brimming under his skin.

Much Jeongin's protest, he dropped their hands and made his way over to Felix.

"Did that university application you were talking about earlier get accepted?"

Felix looked up at him and shook his head.

"I'm sorry."

But Felix didn't look put out, actually the opposite, his eyes were almost spilling over with joy.


"That was my second university, that I was talking about, that I didn't get accepted into. But... I got into my dream one! The one I've been wanting to go to since I was like, 12." Chan could see he tried, but nothing could dampen the utter elation that filled Felix's voice.

"In my eyes you're still 12 kid." Chan ruffled his hair, laughing at the dark look Felix gave him. There were only three years between them after all.

"Why didn't you say something before?"

"It's your big day. You're moving hundreds of miles away.... I didn't want to impose." He tasted the word out carefully, "That was one of the fancy words I learned for my interview. I can see the look in your eyes, and no, I didn't use it."

Chan laughed brightly, "it's hardly hundreds of miles away."

Felix looked down, and then at Minho, if you didn't know to look for it, you wouldn't have known that both of their hands were shaking slightly.

"You are moving away though." Felix took a step further away from the door, and Minho and Jeongin. "I know you're starting your life, and I know it'll be amazing. And I'll come crash at your couch every holiday."

"Wait every?-"

Felix ignored Chan and kept talking, "but Chan-"

"You'll be alright without me Fee. Mkay?" Chan waited until Felix nodded. And then waited again until Felix nodded with more confidence.

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