Jess's POV
I was getting on the plane at to New York City. As I looked behind me my mom was waving bye to me making my hesitant to get on the plain.
"Hurry up Jess!" I herd my brother yell from the door or the plane. I didn't know all the details of why we had to go but my mom said it was extremely important and she had to get me and my brother out of London, England as soon as possible. I waved back at my mom, turned around and made my way up the stairs of the plane.
I sat next to Josh looking rather gloomy.
"it's alright Jess, we get to live with grandma and grandpa."
"That's the reason I don't wanna go. I don't remember them at all. I was three the last time I saw them. You remember them because you were seven."
"Well our cousin also lives there and I think he is around your age."
"people my age do not like me."
"I think it's because you gay" he said laughing.
"I'm not gay! Why must you always say that! This has been going on for two years!"
"And it still makes you freak out, Jessica"
I crossed my arms and looked away from him. He just sat there laughing as curious eyes looked at us.
We sat silent for a while until Josh opened him mouth again.
"So why do you freak out so much when people call you gay?"
"because everyone does it and it gets extremely annoying" I replied.
He laughed, " everyone?"
"yeah" I mumbled, "my teachers and principal even think so and take me out to 'talk about it'"
That was enough to make Josh burst into so much laughter his eyes started watering.
"It's not funny!" I shouted.
"Poor Jessica, maybe people in New York wont make fun of you as much"
"Do I really look THAT gay, though?"
"You look extremely gay. I don't know what it is but you just look like a flaming homosexual."
"Then why don't you look gay? You're my brother!"
"Maybe you're adopted."
"I'm not adopted!"
"How would you know if you were adopted or not" he said smiling.
"because....I DON'T KNOW!"
I stayed silent because people were starting to look over at us.
After eight agonizing hours of flying we finally got in New York. Even though we left at nine it was only twelve o'clock. I walked inside of my grandma and grandpa's house to be greeted by a boy with brown hair down to his ears and hazel eyes.
"Hi, I'm Dustin, your cousin. You must be Jesse. It is nice to met you." He said reaching his hand out for me to shake it.
"Hi Dustin, and yes I am Jesse" I said shaking his hand.
"Are you gay? You look gay"
At that I got mad and stormed upstairs to my new room with our saying a word to anyone else. I could hear Josh down stairs, "You can't say the word gay around him, it makes him go out on mass murders"
They both laugh at the stupid joke my brother told. I decided to do something to get my mind of off things so I went on my IM to talk to Alyssa, my girlfriend.

What's Happening to Me (boy x boy)
RomanceJesse Anderson moves to New York from London. He was one of the smartest kids in his school, although wasn't liked be many people. He becomes lovestruck as a 17 year old New York boy steals his heart. Alex McCarson has been going down the wrong path...