Dylan's POV
Life never seems to go the way you plan, especially when it comes to me. I am Dylan Richards and I am in love with my best friend since Preschool, Sam. He is a boy and as you may have guessed he doesn't like me back, he actually has a girlfriend. Her name is April and I hate her for stealing Sam away from me but I won't give up this fight.
8 years ago- I don't remember much about preschool, but I do remember that's when I first met Sam Thomson. I was only four years old and he was three but we were best friends then and we still are. We met when we were fighting over a purple crayon while coloring. We did almost everything together after that and I practically lived at his house.
Once he was in the second grade he got bullied by a fourth grader names Alex McCarson and has been getting bulled by that same person ever since. I had no idea why Alex hurt him and made fun of him all the time but he did. Sam has always hated Alex and I don't blame him. Now Alex is the rebel senior of the high school and everyone besides the other fourth years hate him.
It was lunch time, I was seven years old at the time. I didn't have any friends in my grade and Sam didn't sit at the same table as me since he was a second grader. Then one table down was Alex, he was with his normal group of friends, Max, Derrick, Lexy, and Caleb. They were most likely talking about ways to pick on a bully the other student. When recess would start they would go around and pick on every kid in all of the grades beside the older kids.
When the bell ring to let us outside me and Sam went to the monkey bars to talk like we always do. As we were sitting on the top of them, un-expectantly Alex pushed Sam off and he hit the ground with a loud thud.
"Have a nice trip, Weirdo?" Alex said spitting at Sam. His other group members just laughed at the kicked dirt at Sam and shouted insults at him.
"Dude, can you be nice for once?" I asked Alex.
Alex got in front of me and shoved me. "Mind your own business, stay out of mine."
"Then stay out of Sam's."
"Are you just trying to pick a fight, Richards? Believe me, you won't win." He said with his snotty, stuck up voice he always used.
"Fine, if I win you can't pick on Sam ever again."
"And WHEN I win I will bully you around just like how I bully others. No more giving you slack because of your "hard home-life"...and you bribing me with cookies and pudding at lunch. "
"Fine, deal" I said reaching out my hands to shake.
"Deal" he said grapping my hand and flipping me onto the ground. He walked away laughing as I laid on the ground in pain.
Once I got back up I looked to where Sam was a couple of minutes ago but he wasn't there. I walked over to his usual hiding place when he gets bullied, under the abandoned play set, I sat next to him and saw he was crying so I put my hand on his shoulder and told him he would be okay.
"No it wont" he replied sniffling, "Alex will never stop being so mean."
"Yes he will, I made a bet with him and if he looses he can't pick on you anymore."
"What was the bet? Don't tell me you are going to do something stupid."
"Well...I was going to get into a fight with Alex..."
"WHAT? You do know he is top in his class in karate, boxing, and wrestling, right?"
"You're messing with me, please tell me you are"
"nope" he said with a worried face. Then that's the time I started to get scared. I have never been in a fight before and I know I couldn't win against someone with all the training.

What's Happening to Me (boy x boy)
RomanceJesse Anderson moves to New York from London. He was one of the smartest kids in his school, although wasn't liked be many people. He becomes lovestruck as a 17 year old New York boy steals his heart. Alex McCarson has been going down the wrong path...