What's Happening to Me (boy x boy) Ch.13

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  • Dedicated to Brooke Vanluven

Alex's POV

   If Sam was suppose to show up, he never did so Dylan went out looking for him. Jess was out of the shower and he was sitting on his bed with boxers and a t-shirt covered up in blankets. It looked really cute actually, he had his head covered up with just his face out. His wet blonde hair dripped on the blanket.

   I sat next to him on the bed and wrapped my arms around him, even if he was still wet. 

“Don’t cha’ think you should of dried off?”

“there was no towels in the bathroom…”

I didn’t really know what to say so I just hummed ‘She Will be Loved’ I could hear Jess quietly whispering the words to the song, making me smile.

“That’s cute, Jesse.” I had to say.

He didn’t say anything in reply but he blushed.

“Don’t mind spending everyday, out on your corner in the pouring rain!” I decided to sing

“Look for the girl with the broken smile.“ I was somewhat shocked that he sung too.

“Ask her if she wants to stay awhile.“ Jess giggled at me singing and then things were quite.

   I felt Jess snuggle up against me, eventually I heard him snoring and chuckled to myself. Then I started thinking about why Alyssa even broke up with him I mean he so adorable and nice and sweet but I’m glad she did or else I would of never had him. I looked down and smiled at him and pulled him closer and my eyes got heavy so I closed them and drifted off.

   I was dreaming It had to have been because it was to terrible to be real. Jess was talking to me on my lap then all of a sudden Alyssa walked in and Jess jumped off and kissed her! He turned around and started laughing at me.

“You thought I would stay with you? That’s hilarious I can’t believe you thought I loved you!” he said laughing and so was Alyssa.

“But J-Jess w-why? I love you.” I said

   But then I felt someone say my name and poke me so I peeled my eyes open and saw Jesse which was a beautiful sight.

“Alex are you ok? You were crying.” he said looking worried.

“Yeah just a bad dream.” I said hugging him. “Jess can you promise me something?” I asked

“Depends. What is it?” he asked

“Please don’t leave me.”

    I felt him hug me and put his head on my chest which was very comforting.

“Alex I would never ever leave you. I promise, I have no reason to.” he said I looked down at him and smiled I saw him lift his pinky. I lifted up an eyebrow.

“Really Jess? Pinky promise?” I laughed and he pouted which made him so adorable.

“I happen to take them very seriously, Alex .I have never broken one before.” he said pushing his pinky more close to my face so I put up mine and intertwined our pinky fingers laughing.

“Ok whatever you say, babe” I said laughing even more because he hated when I called him that.

“Alex!” he whined “do you really have to call me that? You know that I don’t like that because it makes me sound like a girl!” he whined even more.

   Right when I was about to say something I heard a noise out side of the window, when I was about to talk again. It sounded kind of like a tapping noise. I walked over to it and peeked through the glass. Dylan and Sam were standing on the other side of the window…well Dylan was standing. Sam was in more of a slouch, needing to be help up. I opened the window for them although I was really confused on what was going on. 

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