What Happening to Me (Boy x Boy) Ch.20

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So, this chapter I was even bored with. So no mean comments. I'm just kind of catching up on this with Alex. Going over his thoughts and what nots. I person things this is a boring chapter and kinda gross :P Anyway, try to someone enjoy....or act like you do xD Or not, I'm good with that too. Things will be more normal in the next..er chapters 


Alex's POV-

   I was walking on down the sidewalk as rain poured down my face. Honestly, I was used to getting caught in the rain. For a while now I’ve been living on the streets. Most of my “friends” have left me, I still have Max and Lexy, Derrick almost never talks to me anymore and Caleb never really talked to me anyway…

   Ever since Jesse and I broke up my life has seemed to be slipping out of my hands. I was an idiot for letting Jake kiss me. If I could go back in time I would tell myself never to even trust that guy…he took the best thing I ever had in life. Every time I see the blonde boy walking in the hallway I feel someone happy for a half of a second…then back to misery because he is almost out of my life.

   My teachers have been pretty disappointed in me recently as well. I don’t really care, I’ll be glad when I’m out of this god forsaken school. Then I won’t have to deal with anyone anymore. No teacher always nagging me, telling me how good I was doing, or what happened. No so called friends cussing me out and abandoning me. No brats who try to ruin my relationships…and no ex’s to break my heart when ever I see them.

   I looked down and grabbed the  half heart that was hanging by a small chain around my neck.

“Even if we fight or if we may ever be apart, I want you to know I will never stop loving you no matter what you do. And you’ll always be in my heart.” I said aloud and sighed. Although I only had half of the statement I knew it by memory. 

   I held it tight in my hand, it was one of the few things I had left of him. As much as I wanted to cry I haven’t let myself in a long time now. I’ve realized crying is only for weak people…I can’t be weak, not even a little, if I wanted to survive. Because I have no home, no education, no job, no phone, no family.  I basically got disowned by everyone. So it’s actually true that Jesse actually was my life line.

   I kept walking a long. I heard dogs bark at me and all the cars zoom past me, occasionally splashing me with water. I didn’t know were I was going but as I started soaking up my surroundings they all looked very familiar. I stopped and looked to the right of me, what I saw made it feel like my heart stopped beating. Because in front of me was Jesse’s apartment.

   I just wanted so badly to walk up the sidewalk and knock on the door. I bit my lip and continues walking, I was having a seriously hard time getting over him. No matter how much I tried I just couldn’t seem to do it…

   I sat down on a park bench and used an umbrella that was lost to keep me dry. I unzipped my suitcase and took out my journal. I read through the pages.

9/9: I met the most amazing boy the other day. I’m actually really happy for a change. No matter what I do I can’t seem to get him out of my mind. He has blonde hair and freakishly deep blue eyes.

His name is Jesse Anderson, and honestly I would totally go gay for this kid. I think I might have already… but that doesn’t really matter to me. I hope it doesn’t matter to him either. 

Oh also,  first day of school, goodie. This teacher is a bitch. I wont be looking forward to English this year. But there is one thing I will be looking forward to this year. Trying to make Jesse fa-

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