Chapter 2: Austria: Pianist

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As you sat with your friends talking about what happened with you and Alfred, you see a tall man with beautiful dark brown hair and violet eyes walk up to you and kneel down in front of you. "Hallo Miss, I'm sorry to bozher jou, but I couldn't help but to see a beautiful young lady like jou." You blushed deeply. "Thank you sir." "It's her birthday by the way." One of your friends told him, winking at you. "Vell zhen I zhink I should give jou a birzday present zhen." He took a 100 dollar bill out of his pants and gave it to you. "Here jou go mein liebe.He put the dollar in your shirt and bra. He touched your boob slightly. You blushed deeply. The girls whistled and squealed again as he led you to a room. The room lights were red and white, just like an Austian flag. He sat you down and danced on the pole, occasionally kissing your cheeks and lips. You giggled as he spun upside down on the pole, making silly faces. He was a great guy, even though he was just seducing you. He gave you a lap dance as he kissed your lips passionately.

"Hey liebe, I vas vondering, maybe jou und I could go to mein place und get naughtier. Und I could teach jou how to play piano." You giggled. "Yes, I would love to." His violet eyes lit up. "Danke....Um, es tut mir leid, but I didn't get jour name." "It's ok, my name is _____." "Such a beautiful name. Mein name is Roderich." "Nice to meet you Roderich." He smiled softly. His small mole on his face caught your attention. "I like your mole." "Ja, it's a unique feature I have." "How?" "Jou'll see vhen jou get to mein house." You gave him a puzzled look. Then he began dancing again. You fangirled throughout his work shift, making you want him more and more.

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