Chapter 10 Estonia: Sexy Nerd

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You were going to the strip club because one of your friends had asked you to go. But the problem was, you didn't know which one, and you didn't know why. Your curiousity and your kindness got the best of you, even though you were gonna be busy the next day. "Ugh, I can't believe I'm doing this shit." You said, frustrated as you drove to the club. You didn't want to go to the strip club because, one, you were busy already, two, you didn't have time for boys, and three, you just didn't want to go. "When I get there, and it's about something stupid, I'm gonna be pissed and I'll leave." You said to yourself.


You arrived at the club fianlly and you saw your friends waving at you in front of a stage. You stormed over there to greet them in a not-so- good way. Their smiles all disappeared when they saw you were pissed off. "Hey ______,what's the matter?" One of your friends asked. "What's the fucking matter?! You guys knew I was gonna be busy today and-" You were cut off by a tall blonde man with glasses on. He had well toned muscles on his stomach, arms, and chest. He had jeans, suspenders, and tennis shoes on. He was a handsome man. "H-hello my name is Eduard." "Oh hi Eduard, this our friend ______ we were telling you about. He smiled at you softly. You have had your fill, you went off this time. "WHAT?! THIS IS WHY YOU WANTED ME TO COME TO THIS DAMN PLACE, SO I CAN GET LAID OR SOMETHING?!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!!!" Everyone stopped to look at you and your friends who were now embarrassed. "Well, you could've stayed at your place." One of your friends said. "No, because I would never hear the end of it because all of you would be pissed at me!" Eduard began to walk away. "Hey, where are you going?" Asked bff/n. "I'm going to buy ______ a drink. She looks like she needs one. But you do owe her a great apology though." He said as he walked away. "He's right, we do owe _______ a apology,not to mention a favor for causing all of this trouble." bff/n said. They all nodded. "______, we are all sorry for causing you problems and we will do anything for you." "Yes, I do forgive you. But I would like my favor now." "What is it?" One of your friends asked. "Get the hell out of here, and let me be with Eduard." They all smiled along with you. "Yes ma'am." They all said. When Eduard came back, he looked around and then back at you with a smile. "They decide to bail?" "Yeah, only because I told them to." He chuckled. "Well I bought us both a (alcoholic drink) and um....If you want, I can dance for you girl." You blushed. "Thank you, and I would love to see you dance." He nodded with a smile then took your hand to lead you to a private room. The lights shone blue, white, and black. He pushed you gently into a chair as he got on the pole and began to dance. "Man, I haven't seen such a sexy lady before." You blushed deeply. He came to you and got on your lap and began to kiss you roughly and passionately. Your eyes widened into the kiss because it was unexpected. He broke the kiss to look into your e/c eyes. His dark blue eyes were full of love and haze. You kissed his lips gently, wrapping your arms around his neck. He picked you up and placed you on the bed, with him towering you. "Ma armastan sind ______." "I love you too Eduard." He drank with you and had steamy make out sessions for the rest of the night you were there. You forgot about everything else that pissed you off and just focused on your new Estonian boyfriend, Eduard.

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