(L)Chapter 25: Denmark: (Again) Lion Tamer

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This is another chapter for my friend ShadowConquest! I hope you like the story and Denny wuvs yooh! :3 Also, this chapter is gonna be a little more unique than the others so just bare with me.

(Matthias's POV)

Usually when I'm at work, I am embarrassed and very miserable. I always spend my time doing something idiotic or pointless just so I can make others actually like me or just for pay. But mostly for pay. But tonight was a very unique night. My beautiful girlfriend, Catalina is coming to see my performance at the circus tonight. All day, I have been searching for a sexy costume to 'wow' my beautiful princess. I met her at my old job at the strip club. I was unexpectedly put in to dance because one of the dancers got injured. I watched her the whole time I was dancing on stage. Ever since we have been very happy together. Just then, the phone rings. It was Catalina. "Hello my love. Are you ready for the circus tonight?" She sighed into the phone. "Babe, I have some bad news." My heart sank like the Titanic when I heard those words. "What is it dear?" "I have to study extra for my collage classes tonight. I'm sorry baby." I slowly put the costume I picked out down on the table and sat down in the chair. I stayed silent for a moment. "Are you mad at me Matt?" "No, no. Not at all. I understand. Plus, I kinda have to go somewhere and take care of some things myself, and on top of that, I have to go to my brother, Lukas's house for his son's birthday party." "Are you sure?" "Yes my love. I am sure. Well I better go since the both of us are super busy and all. Just call me if you need anything, okay​?" "Ok, Matthias. I love you." "Me too, baby. Goodbye." I hung up and stared at her picture on the screen. I saw a drop of my own tear hit the screen. I sobbed silently until my boss came in. He stood in the doorway and told me I could go home since the show is cancelled all of a sudden. I knew he cancelled it for me until Catalina can come and watch the show. She always had a thing for circuses, just not the clowns. Hell, here at the circus, some of the women in the audience look worse than the clowns we have and we get mixed up with them by their crazy hair and makeup.

(Catalina's POV)

I felt really bad for ditching Matthias like that. I knew I hurt his feelings really bad when I spoke to him. I felt worse when I realized he spent a lot of time planning and saving up money and stressing about me. I hope I can do something great to make it up to him. Collage right now is the least of my worries. I want my Mattie. I am one of those people who loves to be on time, study, be prepared, and think ahead of time for things, but now it doesn't really matter to me. Why was I such a fool and an asshole to my loving boyfriend? Every other guy I've dated has been very rude, nasty, controlling, abusive, and uh....Crazy as hell. I was going to make things right. I dialed his number and waited for him to respond. Usually when I call, the ringer doesn't even go off because he is so quick to answer my calls, but it was different today. I tried to call Matthias 10 different times, but still no answer. So I left a message. Hey Mattie, it's me, Catalina. I just want to tell you I'm sorry for my actions and that if you can you can come to my house and stay with me. I love you Mattie. Leave a message after the beep. I put down my phone and sighed deeply before going to my room and studying for the tests. I couldn't study straight, thinking about Matthias. I put down my pencil and put away my books and papers and fell into a deep sleep.

(Matthias's POV)

I bet she thought I was lying about the whole being busy thing. I really had to go to a birthday party. But first, I had to get my nephew a gift of course. So I went and bought him a simple, but fun gift that he will enjoy. His parents, not so much. I bought him a drum set with a whistle and a toy car for him to drive around in. This should bring back old memories to Lukas. I laughed a little in my mind, thinking about our childhood. When I arrived at my brother's house, I got the gifts out of my car and headed towards his door. I didn't even get a chance to knock, which was convenient because my hands were full of presents. "Hello brother." Lukas said. "Hello Luke." I said to my brother. "I tried my best to get off from work early so I can have time and get the presents." I told him. He stepped out of the way to let me in his enormous house. There, I saw his new beautiful wife, Iveana holding her son on her hip. "Hello Matthias, how are you?" She asked, giving me a tight hug. "I'm great, how are you?" I asked with a half smile. "Good. I'm doing great, just a little tired." "I hear you." I said. My nephew looked at me with his father's deep blue, emotionless eyes. "How's the birthday boy huh?" I asked, giving him a high five. He smiled and hugged me tight. "I'm doing good uncle Matt. I'm 5 today!" I smiled. "Woah! That's a big number!" He smiled bigger. "Uncle Matt?" "Yeah?" "Are you ready for cake?!" "Yeah! I love cake!" He clapped his hands. "To the cake uncle Matt!" He pointed towards the kitchen as I trotted like a horse to the kitchen. I loved my nephew. He was so cool and he reminded me when I was growing up. He's got the same personality as me and I'm sure it's giving my brother and sister-in-law hell!

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