Chapter 15: China: Panda

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You were at your friend's bachelorette party, which was held in the strip club. You didn't know why they wanted such a sexual place to party at. Especially with a woman who isn't single. Who knows what could go wrong, she could get drunk and start fooling around with another guy, or a guy could take her home and she would be nowhere to be found. You just sat in the back eating cookies while they had men dancing on them. Just then you see a weird looking object in the corner. It was big, and it looked like a bear. You got curious and qalked over to the mysterious object. There was a giant panda standing right in front of you. It looked like it was upset, so you inched closer up to it. "Hello big guy, what's the matter?" It sighed. Then it took of it's head. "What the?!" You stepped back with your eyes widened. It was a handsome short man with long dark hair pinned in a low pony tail and his eyes were a beautiful amber color. "S-sorry to scare you like that aru." He started to walk off. "Hey! Um.... What's the matter, you seem down." He sighed and took you over to a private place. He sat you down in a chair next to him. "My name is Wang Yao, I am the least favorite of all the male strippers. And I am upset because everyone takes advantage of me aru." "How?" "They tell me to cook, clean, make and repair their uniforms." He started to cry. "Don't cry Wang. I won't do that to you. I would love to spend the rest of the night helping you and spending time with you... Oh I'm sorry, my name is ______ _______ by the way." He looked up at you with tears in his amber eyes. "Y-you will?" "Of course! I don't have anything else to do." "But the other guys will try to-" You cut him off by pressing your lips on his. "No, they won't, I will make sure they don't." He blushed. "Thanks, I-I don't know how to thank you enough aru." "Don't worry about it." He led you into the back where all the other men were. A tall man with white hair and red eyes grabbed your butt roughly. You glared at him and pushed him away. "Come on frau, jou know jou vant mein five meters!" The other men snickered and stared at you hungrily. You just rolled your eyes and continued to follow Wang. When you got into his workplace, you were so amazed at how neat and big it was. "You spend all your time in here Wang?" He nodded. "Ok, what do you want me to do?" He came closer to you. You noticed he had a sexy black and white outfit that contained no shirt, making his perfectly chistled abs glow in the light. You held your nose in case you get a nosebleed. "Like what you see aru?" You nodded with a smile. He pulls you onto a deep kiss."W-Wang." He pushed you against the wall and kissed your neck roughly. When he found your sensitive spot, you let out a soft moan. He smiled against your skin. He looked into your e/c eyes. His were full of lust. "We shouldn't do this _____, we just met and I am very busy aru." "I understand." You said, kissing his lips one last time. You and him got to work and made many accomplishments thanks to your help and his fast pace. "Hey loser, I need another costume for Francis!" A loud voice called. "Would you hang on Alfred, goodness you are so annoying aru!" Alfred glared at the Chinese man. "Hey, whose the sexy chick, and why the hell is she with you? She should be fucking with me right now." You got angry. "Hey! No, I shouldn't and you and all your stupid friends need to stop being so mean to him! He does everything for you guys and you don't thank him or anything! He deserves respect, unlike you who doesn't want to show it towards him! You don't deserve a pretty girl because you don't even know how to be nice to him!" Your face was red and your fists were clenched. His face only inches from yours. You glared at him until he backed off a little bit. "I think you owe Wang an apology and a bunch of favors." He walked to Wang and shook his hand. "Hey dude, I'm sorry for being an asshole to you all these years and taking advantage of you. I'll talk to the guys about this. Really." He gave Alfred a look in disbelief. "Look, I know you don't believe me, but I can understand why, buy this time I really mean it. I should've never treated you this way.

Nobody should... And it's all my fault for telling them to be mean to you." Wang looked surprised. "You mean to tell me that you are the reason why I am so depressed?!" Alfred nodded slightly. Wang clenched his fists. You noticed and held his arm gently. "Wang, be calm. I know it's hard, but it's for the best." He took a deep breath and walked away. Alfred walked away and looked back a few times before returning to the locker room. Moments later, all the men came back and stood in front of us. They all looked sorry. You stood next to Wang and held his hand. "What do you all have to say for yourselves aru?" "We're sorry Wang, and we promise not to take advantage and disrespect you anymore." "You know, I don't believe any of you, but if you ever do it again, you will all pay aru. Won't they _____?" You nodded. They all nodded their heads. "Now, get back in the locker room please, I need to speak with _____ aru." They all turned to go back to the locker room. He turned to you after they left and shut the door. "Thank you so much ______! I- I couldn't have done this without you aru!" You smiled. He kisses your lips softly, soon turning into a deep kiss. You put your hands on his now pink cheeks and licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance. He lets you in and the two of you fight for dominance. He wins easily. He broke the kiss and stared into your eyes. "Wo ye ai ni _____." "I love you too Wang." He smiled and pulled you in for another kiss. That night, you and your new boyfriend ruled the club and nobody disrespected Wang again.

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