Chapter three

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Chapter three


        We were one of the first tables dismissed from luch. Logan went off to his next class, the other dirction as mine and Angels. "So, that was okay. You did seem a little, defensive when they asked about you and Logan. I thought you liked him? I meen, he did go a little crazy with the flirting, but still-" Angel pressed. 

        I sighed. She was my friend, how did I tell her I didnt have a thing for her brother. "We just arn't together Angel. We may never be together and, those girls had no right to, to get involved with everything." I raised my hand and let them fall again. I walked with her till we got to class. Talking about what our next teacher would be like, and if we would sit together. Then Angel had to go and back track to our origina topic. She was so anoying sometimes.  

        "Well, maybe you need to make the first move Melonie. You should ask him out." She smiled as if it was th egreatest idea in the world. 

        I glared at her. "Angel, Just I don't-" 

        "Fiona! That's my seat and you know it!" She yelled across the room. I sighed and made my way to the nearest empty seat. Lunch had NOT gone acording to plan at all. Felix was supposed to be the one flirting with me, not Logan. I doodled on the dest. Class was stupid. The teacher taught a lesson from last year that everyone already knew by heart. 

       The teacher's name was Mrs. Garfeild, like the cat on that old cartoon show, and newspaper comic strip. Mrs. Garfeild realized we weren't paying attention and moved on. She pointed us to our assigned seats. With my fingers crossed, I hoped that Angel had a desk near me. The teacher would point to the desk as she read off the names. "...and Melonie Smith your desk is here" pointing to the desk towards the front, Mrs. Garfeild gave me a wide smile. Me and Angel looked at each other, thinking the same thing. As I made my way to the desk I waited for her to say Angel's name next to mine. 

        "Angel Reese, you will be by Melonie here.." I heard a squeal slip from Angel's lips, but I didn't know if anyone heard it. We both silently laughed as we stood by our desks. "Alright my bright pupils, take your seats." Me and Angel high fived as we sat down. Smiling ear to ear. 

       As class dragged on me and Melonie began to talk about anything and everything. "So," Angel leaned in close as Mrs. Garfeild Wrote on the baord, "Me, Felix and Logan are going to a concert for The Script after school on Friday. You should come. I know you like them. The band of course." She smiled and winked at me. 

        I smiled, "Yeah, totally. Friday night hangout, sounds fun. No beer though right?" Angel waved me off.

        "Dont worry, We all know how you are about that. Starts at Four. Can't wait!" We both air high fived so we didnt make any nioce. 

        The bell finally rang and students rushed out the door. "And that concludes todays lesson. Have a nice day." She said to the now near empty class room.  Angel jogged up next to me, Felix and Logan at her hips. We walked out of school together, hugged, and walked to our cars. In my case, I was walking home. Great. I had a licence, and no car. I had begged for a car for almost two months now. 

        I got home aroud four-thirty. Mom's car was already in the drivway. A run-down black toyata was parked on the curb by our house. I ran an envious hand along the trunk as I walked up the driveway.

        Our house was two stories, white with a fadded teal door and gold paint trimming. The rose bushes In front really made it stand out from the rest of the block. We were a short walk from the neiborhood pool and the park was about half a mile away, perfect.

         I walked in, mom was at the kitchentable talking to dad. " It was either this,  or being late to work again. Neither of us can afford to be late!" Dad yelled, leaning on th table, getting right in mom's face. Their faces both twisted in rage. 

        "She doesnt need a car! I'll just leave early! We cant afford to have three cars!" Mom shouted back. I layed down my backpack in the foyer and leaned on the hallway wall. 

        "She can drive Ramona to school! They are close and Neither of them, or us will be late! It's the smartest thing to do!" I knocked on the wall next to me. 

        "Um, Hi. Whats going on?" I stepped tentativly into the kitchen. I didnt like when my parents fought. It usually invalved something valuable getting brocken. Last week, Dad slammed a vase the the floor. I walked aroud the table, hoping nothing got thrown, smashed or shattered. 

        Dad glanced at mom. "I bought you a car. It's on the curb outside. I beleive you will like the brand and model, considering you asked for it so many times. Melonie," He leaned back in the chair. " You need to drive ramona to and from school the next few days. Okay?" 

        I grabbed a loaf of bread from the pantrey. "No! I cant drive that little monste! She drives me crazy all the time! Besides, I cant be seen chofering my SISTER!!" I plopped two peices of bread in the toaster. "Me and a few friends already had plans on friday, so Fridays a no go." I leaned back on the counter smiling. My parents however, were not. 

        "We need you to drive her. Its not a debate. Your driving her all week. Your friends can make other plans." Dad waved me off. 


        "No buts! Your Father made a choice. Wether I agree or not doesnt matter but, You still have to listen to him." Mom got up, placing her cup of coffee in the sink. 

        I groaned and ran upstairs. Nobody here cared about what I thought. It was always about perfect Ramona. "I hate you you little brat." I hissed as I passed Ramona's room. I slammed my own door shut., This was going to suck.



 Hey guys! Fruitcup94 and I are really enjoying writing this book for you guys. Do us a favor and tell us what you think! If you havent, Check out our other works!

Hope you enjoyed this entry, they may be getting shorterand maore time between publishing with the upcoming school feasco.

You Delighted authors,

Datcrazygirl32 & Fruitcup94 :) 


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