chapter 25

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Chapter 25

POV: Felix (getting out of Logan's car earlier that day)

I get out of Logan'S Car, wanting to talk to Melonie myself about the date. Logan began to drive away as I went inside. Another car came around the corner as he pulled away. "Logan!" I shouted as they crashed.

I immediately call Melonie in a panic, I don't know who else to call. I called a few other contacts in my phone, but Melonie was the only one who answered the phone.

When Logan didn't emerge from the wreck, I knew I had to call 911. My hands were shaking so badly that it was difficult to push each number. A woman on the other line spoke first.

"Hello this is 911 state your emergency."

"H- hi. M- my friend, he was in a car accident. Uh, he hasn't come out of his car yet." I stated, moving slowly toward the smashed car.

"What is your location?"

"845 St boulevard road, oh go- is he going to be okay?"

"Sir, remain calm. An ambulance has been dispatched." The woman said before i quickly hung up.

What if he died? What would happen to our plan? I can't fulfill the plan alone.

There were sirens in the distance that i hoped were the ambulances coming to help logan and the dumb driver that hit him.

The ambulance pulled up next to the wreck and started doing whatever they had to do to gwy logan out of the ruined car as i stood by, praying he was okay.

Once they pulled him out, they started working on the other car. They pulled a young man out, maybe 18 or 19. He had dark hair and was pretty tall. He seemed to be unconscious. His blue shirt slightly bloody from a gash on his forehead.

I turned my attention back to Logan as they loaded him into an ambulance. I hopped in my own car and followed the ambulance to the hospital where Angel and Melonie were already waiting.

I shouldn't be driving when I am so distracted by my thoughts. While I am so worried that Logan could be dead. I made it to the hospital where Melonie and Angel were waiting for me. Angel greeted me with a hug, but Melonie just asked what happened, skipping any greeting.

"What happened? Is he alright?" Melonie shouted. "Were you in the car too?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Luckily. I saw the guy who hit him, he was unconscious too, with a gash across his forehead." I sat down in one of the chairs, resting my head on my fists, and my elbows on my knees. Melonie was pacing around the room, and Angel looked like she was going to be sick. I wanted to go up to Melonie and hug her, comfort her, but decided against it.

Every time a doctor came in the room, my friends would perk up, but none of them came to talk to us about Logan. Finally we heard some news about Logan after an hour or so of waiting.

The doctor said he would be okay, that no major damage was done to his brain,but they would like to keep him stay at the hospital overnight to make sure nothing happens. He also said that Logan dislocated his shoulder, and whiplash.

Angel was in tears and Melonie was hugging her,rubbing her back as they walked into Logan's hospital room. The room was small and white. He was awake and smiled at Angel and Melonie as They both hugged him, melonie kissing his cheek.

Logan had a heavy cast, and sling. He had a large bruise on his forehead and a black eye. Other cuts and small bruises covered his arm.

I waved and he waved back, knowing i wasn't much of a hugger. We stayed in his hospital room until a nurse told us we had to leave. Angel cried some more as Melonie walked her out and to her car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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