Chapter 11

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Chapter eleven


POV: Romona

I held back tears as I ran through the different rooms, completely lost. Out of breath from running, I opened the door in front of me an screamed in horror. He was standing on the other side of the door, equally as surprised to see me.  “Romona, how’d you get out?” I didn’t answer, but just stood there waiting for him to get angry and hurt me or something.

“Are you going to hurt me?” I squeaked, submissively looking away from him.  Did I dare try to attack him while he was off guard?  Before I got the chance, he grabbed my arms and tied a bandana tightly around my wrist.

I kicked him, and screamed, and tried to run away from him but he was too strong. He was a lot bigger than I was, so he held me against the wall with ease. “Let me GO!” I screamed, and tried to kick him and wriggle free of his grasp.

“Stop! Romona, I’m just bringing you back to the room !” He replied angrily. This didn’t calm me down, I never wanted to go back there ever again. So, I continued to try to fight him without any success. His hands held my wrist so tightly I began to lose circulation in my hand.

“Dang it, Romona!” He said, cursing, as I bit his arm as hard as I could. There were teeth mark on his arm, beginning to bleed a little. I looked at the teeth marks, pleased with myself.  Eventually he got so mad that he took the sweater he was holding, pressing it to my nose and mouth so I couldn’t breath. I stopped fighting him, and began to freak out. Without any words, he pushed me back to the room, only pulling the sweater away from my mouth when he finally got there. 

Gasping, I fell on my knees, as color returned to my face. “I guess I can’t trust you, can I?” He wasn’t looking for an answer, so I didn’t give him one.

“Why… are you….doing this…” I said, gasping between words. I looked up at him, staring into his eyes, trying to find any mercy left in him. He didn’t look like he was enjoying seeing me on the floor, helpless. He didn’t answer me, but left quickly, leaving me on the floor sobbing.


POV: Felix

(After they return home)

Melonie, Angel, Logan and I were sitting around her kitchen table completely in silence. Romona’s shoes were in the center of the table. Angel abruptly stood up from the table and ran out of the room. Melonie went after her, leaving me and Logan alone at the table.

“Dude, where were you today?” I asked, punching Logan hard in the shoulder. 

“Ouch, man. Whats your problem? I was a little busy, okay?” He said innocently, like he had no idea why I was mad.

“No NOT Okay. Melonie needed you today,”

“Fine, you’re right. It wont happen again, I promise.” I didn’t believe him, that it wouldn’t happen again, but it didn’t matter what I thought. This was about Melonie.

“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” 

“Okay, Okay. Once she comes back.” Logan leaned back in his chair. I wanted to punch him. Tell him that he didn't deserve a friend like Melonie.

"Angel went home. Felix," I turned to face her, dragging my gaze from Logan still leaning back in his seat. "Can you drive Logan home?" I hissed out a breath, bit nodded. I didn't want to fight with her. Not when she felt so bad already.

"Sure thing princess." He eyes widened in shock, Logan whipped his head around to glare at me. "I'de love to take Logan home. You alright Logan?" I was getting emense pleasure watching him get ticked off.

Through his teeth he answered, "What ever Mel wants." I smiled and this time, I was the one leaning back while Ligament glared at me.


POV: Melonie

"I can't do this okay!" Angel was crying, leaning on the open door of her and Logan's car. "I can't think of what," She was crying too hard to make out the rest.

I put an arm around her. "It's okay if you need to leave. Nobody is going to be mad at you for that." I squeezed her shoulder. I didn't want her to leave. She was a mess, so I just watched her leave. Everyone was always gone when I needed them.

I walked back in the kitchen. Logan was leaning back in his seat. "Angel went home. Felix, can you drive Logan home?"

Felix Nodded then said,"Sure thing princess." Logan whipped his head around. My eyes widdenes in shock. Felix, call me princess? "I've love to take Logan home. You alright logan?"

Logan looked ticked off. Did they have a fight or something? " Anything for Mel." I shivered. I hated when he called me "Mel" Like I am an inconvenience and a waste of time.  Angel needs to teach her brother so manners or so help me-

Once everyone left I just kind of flopped on the bed. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep. Everytime I driffyed off, I would see Ramona's buried face, looking at me with open dead eyes.

"RAMONA! NO NO RAMONA!" I screamed and screamed as I dug her body out of the ground. I was jolted awake ny me alarm- 5;00. I waited for Ramona to come yell at me, to ruin my morning like she always would. "R-ramo" I started sobbing before I could finish her name. I had intended on going back to school today but now, I couldnt bring my self to get a single limb out of bed.

"Melonie? Melonie..." Moms voice was sweet and pure. I looked out from my fortrice of blankets. "I thought you were going to school." She strocked my hair. I shook my head as tears threatened to force their way down my cheeks again.

All I want is my little sister back...Alive.

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