Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


POV: Melonie


Mom and dad left for work a while ago. I stared at a picture of me and Angel at the park when we were younger. I grabbed it and clutched it to my chest. I curled into a ball as years ran silently down my cheeks. I grabbed my phone and made a group call to all the guys. "Hey Guys. We need a game plan to catch this creep." An uproar of voices.

"Melonie we are so in!"

"Agreed girl! We will do anything!"

"Make him pay!"

"Ih yeah..." The last one dampened my spirits, but I didn't care.

"Alright, let's go to.the school and look for witnesses. Someone must have seen something. Meet you all at the school." I quickly hung up as tears stung my eyes.

I forced myself out if bed and attempted to get dressed. I setled on the bumble bee outfit, Ramona hated it. Seemed fitting.

I get to the school everyone seemed pretty heated about something, "Shut up Angel! Its between me and Logan!" Felix yelled. My rage build in an instant.

" If you two can't stop fighting like two year olds then get the heck out!" I screamed. Everyone looked at me in shock. Felix got in his car, slamming the door. He actually left, I couldn't say I wasn't hurt...Everyone seemed to be leaving me now. Angel, Logan and now Felix.

"Alright, school ends soon, get to work!" I shouted. Channeling my anger into the investigation. With or without Felix I was finding my sister.

POV:Felix (Before Melonie arrived)

I pulled up in the almost empty parking lot. Logan was there for once. Anger built and I wanted to vacate the space between his shoulders.

"Glad you showed up for once Logan." I said hopping out the car.

Logan glared. Angel waved to me excitedly, like I didn’t say anything. I smiled at her and waved back. She wasn’t like her brother, Angel was actually nice, and kept her promises. She doesn’t promise to help a friend then ditch, without telling anyone. “When is Melonie coming?” I asked, aiming the question at Angel. I heard logan’s voice instead.

“Whenever she gets here” Logan said sarcastically.

“Logan if you don’t have anything good to say, then you can shut up.” I snapped. He stood up from leaning against his car, which was some kind of expensive convertible, and focused on coming up with a smart comeback.

“You can stop telling me what to do, Felix. What I had to do was important, and I don’t have to run everything I do by you” Logan was so mad that I saw him clenching his fist, holding back a punch. I am not afraid of him, so I continued testing his patience.

“Obviously someone  has to take care of you, because you’re acting like you’re two years old!” I hate Logan, it makes me sick that I even called him my friend at all.

“Felix, stop being such a-”

“Felix! Stop!” Angel begged, cutting off her brother. Why was she telling me to stop? It’s her idiot brother who needs to back off. Logan punched me in the gut, which didn’t allow me enough time to say anything to her. My stomach hurt, but I swung back at him, landing a punch on his jaw.

“Guys please stop!” Angel got between us, nearly getting punched in the face by her brother, who was aiming the fist at me. She looked like she was going to cry. “Now is not the time to be fighting! Melonie is coming soon!”

“Shut up Angel! Its between me and Logan!” My head was pulsing, I felt like I was going to pass out. My voice ached from all the shouting.

"If you two can't stop fighting like two year olds then get the heck out!" I heard a female voice yell from behind me. It was Melonie, looking angrily at us. I felt childish. Without thinking,  I got into my car and drove off, leaving Melonie gaping at my disappearing car until I was out of sight.

My thoughts went wild as I drove, rage filled my brow. I thought about Melonie searching for witnesses without me. Melonie needed me, but I don’t know if I can handle a long while with Logan being a jerk to Melonie. Why do I hate Logan so much, right now?

Oh yeah, he is a complete jerk.

What am I doing? Melonie needs me to help her, and I just left her alone in the parking lot. Regret instantly filled me, replacing the anger completely. My love for Melonie overpowered my hate for Logan. I turned around, making a U-turn, nearly getting into a few accidents. As fast as I could go, I raced back to the parking lot  to apologize to Melonie for leaving her. But when I got there, they had already left.

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