chap. 21

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Chapter 21

POV: Felix

I just slammed the door behind me. I didn't want to think about Melonie right now. I couldn't think about Melonie right now. I was already starting to hyperventilate. I had seen her and Logan. Why was she even into him!?

She had said she hated me. That sentence forced its way to the surface from our argument at the school.

I never thought I could love and hate somebody this much. Apparently it is possible. This whole Ramona thing has ruined all of our friendships; Logan and I used to be best friends, and Melonie and I never fought like we do now. I regretted saying all that stuff about her 'killing Ramona'. I didn't think it was that serious then. I was just worried about her. I had said some crazy stuff in a crazy time.

sighing, I went to my bedroom. My phone buzzed on the counter. ughgdgudu! I grabbed the phone, agitated. "What?!" I half yelled.

An unrecognizable voice came through the other end, raspy and deep. "Hello Felix."

Hesitantly, I replied. "Hello?"

"You probably don't remember me, but I remember you." He replied. His words sending a shiver down my spine.

"What do you want?" I asked shakily.

The man chuckled before saying, "I know where she is."

I was shocked to say the least. Was this the man who took her? Has he hurt her? I swear if he touched her i will- "What have you done to her?" I growl through gritted teeth.

"I haven't done anything, nor do I plan to."

"I swear if you do i will - " I was rudely interrupted.

"I dont even have her Felix. But I know who does." He chuckled and I fought the urge to throw the phone at the wall. "But, I can't tell you-." I had it.

"Tell me or I swear I will hunt down your sorry butt and beat you into the next century!" I shouted into the receiver.

"Calm down lover boy." I growled at that. "I said I couldn't tell you a name. I can still describe him. Chill, and listen before I hang up on you!" I grumbled a few things that are not appropriate for some readers, and let him continue.

"I don't know his name. If I knew it, I would tell you, but I saw him at the school with Ramona."

"Its been like four months!! You waited until now to bring this up?!" I shouted angrily, losing my temper.

"I know... I regret not saying something sooner." He waited for a moment, and cleared his throat. "Do you want to hear this or not?" The mystery guy said suddenly.


"He had brown hair, he was tall and had blue eyes. He had a tattoo on his shoulder, of a black, dripping rose."

All I could think about was Ment. He had those features; I didn't know anybody with a rose tattoo. I'll bet good money Ment has one though. "Thank you." I growled in the receiver, hanging up before the mystery guy could continue. I grabbed my jacket and car keys and went to find Angel to help me. Melonie might still be with logan. That prick.

POV: Angel

I was sitting on my couch, twirling my thumbs and listening to music when my cell phone rang. Logan was out with Melonie on a date. Logan could not stop talking about it when he spoke to me during the school day.

Me and Melonie were growing distant, never talking as much as we used to. It was probably because of the drama in her life right now, I just wish she let me help her. The most painful thing about all of this, for me, is seeing all of our friendships break apart.

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