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Chapter 20

POV: Melonie

“Melonie, can I ask you something?” Logan asked me, putting his hand behind his head nervously.

“shoot!” I replied.

“How are you feeling?” At first I thought I heard him wrong; why would he need to ask me how I was doing? It was the first time in a long time that anyone asked me that. Maybe they were too scared, or thought it would offend me. It was the opposite; I enjoyed the feeling of someone caring about me.

“Fine” I lied.

“No, Melonie. How are you really doing.” He waited for a reply, but I didn’t give him one- I didn’t know how to reply. The police, the detectives, my friends, and even my family, they all only ever worried about how Ramona was doing. I felt bad for thinking this, but it was true.

“I’m depressed” I admitted it. I admitted it to Logan, but mostly I admitted it to myself. For weeks I have not been feeling the same- I feel gloomy, and sick all the time; to this day, I can’t stand The Script lyrics because it reminded me of Ramona, and how I betrayed her. Tears started to well up in my eyes.  “I need help, Logan”

Why was I telling this to Logan? He was never there for me, not up until recently. Before all this happened he was creepy- I only liked him because he was Angel’s brother.

Logan held my hand from across the table. He didn’t say a word, just looked into my eyes and held my hand. Our stare broke when the waiter came to the table, asking what food we wanted.

The waiter was not much older than us, maybe in college. Light brown hair and green eyes like a raging ocean.


POV: Logan

I ordered for us both, melonie just nodded at the waiter, tears in her eyes as a song from The Script came on over the radio."one more thing-" I said as the waiter began to leave. "Can we maybe change the song? It would be very helpful." I passed him two twenties and he nodded quickly, running off. The song quickly changed to a Maroon Five song and I took Melonie's  hands again.

"Thanks Logan, for everything. I really needed to get out for a while. To admit that to someone, and to myself really." Melonie said, wiping her eyes as a stray tear fell.

I hated seeing her cry. She just seemed like such a strong person. I had thought Ramona's disappearance wouldn't have hit her as hard as it did. It really destroyed her. She hasn't been the same these past few days. She's been, angry, at everything really. She's lost a lot of weight, I can tell from the way her once tight fit clothes have a little more space between them and her skin.

"I'm sure Ramona is going to be okay. Nobody would really hurt such an amazing little girl." I whisper rubbing circles on her hand with my thumb. She squeezed my hand, letting out a shaky breath. "We'll find her and bring her back. She'll be fine and we can all go back to normal. Hey, maybe this will bring everyone a bit closer." I sure hoped so.

"We can't know that Logan. We dont even know where she is. Whoever it was knew we were coming to that canin. What if he's always a step ahead and we never get Ramona?" She whispers, her grip in my hand becoming painful.

"You can't know that either." I replied as her grip softened. There were red marks where her nails had dug into my skin, but I didn't care.

The date went on without us talking about Ramona again; it felt good to get away from the stress of Ramona. “... and then I said, ‘Hey, who do you think you are?’ and he backed off and over a desk! ” I finished a funny story, and Melonie laughed.

“That is so crazy! He actually flipped over the desk?!” She was laughing in between bites of food. “Was he mad?”

“You bet he was mad!” I was laughing so hard- my heart was thumping inside my chest. My date was going really well. Felix is a baby- he never even asked her out yet. It was obvious that he liked Melonie, he was alway with her. Felix followed Melonie around like a puppy.

“Hey! he is NOT  a puppy.” she glared. oops, did I say that out loud? “You know what? I am so tired of you and Felix always fighting with each other. Either work it out, or you can both just leave the group all together and never seen each other. got it?” One look at her face told me she was dead serious.  

“Hey guys!” I groaned. Why is Angel here?! I told her I was going out with Melonie. “We, I mean, Felix, found something. I think. Okay, he called. He said it was important. I dont know. You guys done here?” Angel asked stealing one of my french fries.

Glaring, I moved my fries to the other side of me, much to Angels dismay. “We just have to get our check.” I grumbled. Melonie nodded and gave Angel her fries. I glared at Melonie. “Dont encourage her!” I playfully growled. Melonie shrugged and waved for the waiter.  

Melonie decided to ride with Angel, which kind of hurt I guess. I mean, we did just have a date! Turning on the car, I followed Angel and melonie to wherever the heck Felix was. I can't believe Melonie threatened me! Why do I have to talk to Felix anyway! He hates my guts!

I nearly run Angels car into a ditch when she suddenly stops, glaring at me through her rear view mirror.

I get out and slam the door out of rage. Felix was standing a good distance away, waiting patiently by some trees. We were at a big field that I recognized all too well. Felix had something hidden behind his legs, resting in the grass.

he smirked at me evilly.

what is this boy up to?

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