chapter Four

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Chapter four


Friday came by slowly. I hadn't told Angel yet that I couldn't go to the concert because I was driving my sister. My plan was to tell her  today, but I saw Felix at school before I saw Angel. Felix lit up when he saw me.

"Ready for the concert?" Felix exclaimed. He was leaning against a locker, and he brushed his fingers through his hair. My heart skipped a beat. 

"About that... I can't go. My mom is making me take my sister."  

"But isn't she, like, twelve already? She can walk home. Your parents will never know." Felix looked down at me with his perfect brown eyes. He had a good point, that she was probably old enough to walk home alone, and be home alone until I got back. But my mom said that I needed to pick her up. 

"I don't think I should do that, Felix."

"But this is a one in a lifetime chance! You can't miss it!" He was so cute when he begged. Finally, I gave up and agreed to go to the concert. 

"Fine I'll go." I said, defeated. Felix pulled me into a hug; he smelled like axe, but not too overpowering like some guys do. My heart was racing, it ended all too soon. 



POV: Ramona


I assumed that my sister was going to pick me up, but I guess she is too preacupied with "the cool kids" at the stupid Script concert to care. My hands reached into my pocket, pulling out my ipod and playing it loudly in my ears. This sucks. Not only was school like, a hundred miles away from my house, Melonie was probably too dumb to keep the door unlocked. When I got there I'd have to wait outside. 

Before I began to walk, I saw a car slow down in front of me. It was one of Melonie's friends, he came over to my house sometimes but never talked to me. I backed away from the car, creeped out, and said, "What  do you want?" 

"You look, um, like you need a ride to your house. I, uh, heard about Melonie ditching you." He said anxiously. I nodded slowly, and began to refuse the offer. I wasn't an idiot- stranger danger, right? 

But then I looked at the long walk ahead of me. He wasn't a stranger, he was one of Melonie's friends. I'm sure it is fine...


POV: Melonie


The Script had just sang my favorite song and my lungs were sore and my cheeks ached from smiling. "This is amazing!" I said as Logan came back with our drinks.

"Sorry about the wait, line was huge." He wasn't wrong. Looking back the line had really grown.

Angel waved him off, yelling over the music, " It's fine man!" Logan settled down next to me.

"Did you get me the drink I liked?" I asked searching through the bottles labels for my Friut-2O flavored water.

Logan lauphed. "Like I could forget." With a flourish he produced a coconut mango friut-2o. I smiled and hugged him. Them The Script played their last song. Everyone was standing and shouting, the drunk guys shouted "I love you!" or "Married me forever!" Lauphing or crying, sometimes both! Thank goodness for those of us who like to remain sane at all times.

After they finished the song, the croud went wild. My ears began to ache from the noise, but it wasn't that bad. The lead singer, Danny O'Donoghue, began to sing "the man who can't be moved", and Angel started to sing along. Angel was a good singer, from what I could hear of her. Danny pulled out his phone after the song and took a picture of the crowd; everyone got like 10x louder as he took the picture. 

As the band left the stage Danny yelled "Thank you Ohio!" To the crowd, High fiving people in the front row. It took awhile for people to all file out of the concert area, and into their cars. I checked my watch, the whole concert lasted about an hour. In my head, I pictured Romona at home, probably watching cartoons or playing by herself in her room. Even though Romona had never stayed by herself at home before, there was no reason to worry about her- she was old enough to stay home alone, like Felix had said. 

The traffic was terrible. We waited in the same spot on the road, after we finally got out of the parking lot. In that time allone we had slammed on the brakes nearly three or four times. It seemed like everyone who was driving had lost all prior driving ability- A few people tried to get in front of other cars, and at one point three cars had tried to go at once. You could see Felix get frustrated as he honked at the drunk drivers. I was in the passenger seat, holding on to the handels on the roof. 

"Just calm down, we dont have to get out right-" Felix cut me off by blasting the horn again. 

"Move it already!" He shouted out the window. The man infront of us honckd in return. 

My stomach churned; I felt sick. I was worried that something was going to happen, like what if a drunk driver hit us? If we werent seriously injured, we would have to call one of our parents, and then my mom and dad would find out about me disobeying them. Crazy and unlikely senerios ran through my head. Luckily, nothing happened. I was safely dropped off at my house, in one peice. 

"Romona!" I called softly. All the lights were off and I assumed she was asleep. I walked upstairs and peeked into her room. "Ramona?" The bed was made, nothing was disturbed or out of place, except Ramona wasn't there. I nocked on the bathroom, nobody was there. I lauphed at myself. "Ramona! You can stop messing with me now!" I yelled. Nobody replyed. At this point I was getting a little scared, but it was mostly paranoia, from letting my younger sister walk home alone. 

She wasn't outside, either. I grabbed my phone and dialed all of ramona's friends. She wasn't at any of their houses. I was on the verge of a panick attack. "Ramona were the heck are you!?" I ran down into the basment that acte like dads office when he was home.Switching on the light, I looked aroung the room. She wasn't down here here either. I resolved to calling the police station. Ths couldnt be happening. "Thank you." I hung up the phone, police were on their way. In the distance I could here sirens, the reality set in, Ramona was missing...

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