chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Thank you for the crazy amount of views guys! luv You all and wish you a merry Christmas and Happy holidays!

POV Logan-

The addition of Felix to my little scandal has been good. He thought of the mask, and he thought of bringing the Chloroform. I guess I have done a few things quite stupidly, but I think that adding Felix to do all the hard work will pay off. Keeping Ramona has become harder and harder every day. Coming up with excuses as to why I am always in the old shelter, and why I am bringing food there, becomes harder everyday.

The most important thing is that Melonie and Angel don't suspect a thing. Which they don't, so I am doing pretty good. How much longer of this, I don't know. Hopefully not much longer.

I got my phone out of my pocket once we got into the car, to call Melonie back. The phone rang a few times before she answered.

"Hey Logan." Melonie answered.

"Hey, you wanted to talk to me about something?" I said, looking at Felix. He looked like an anxious little puppy as waited for me to tell him why she called.

"Well yeah, but if you are busy..."

"No!" I cleared my throat after my excited outburst. "I mean no. I just dropped off Felix, and I think we are starting to get along now." Felix held back laughter.

"Thats good. So I enjoyed our date. Minus Angel interrupting it." She said and I smiled as she paused and I heard Angel shout 'sorry' in the background. "Anyway, I was wondering if you might want to meet up at the Movie theatre some time this week? Maybe Friday night? I heard that new movie The Hobbit part three is playing. if you want to see that we can." She said, i could almost imagine her biting her lip, waiting for me to answer.

"Sure, sounds fun, and I can't wait." I smiled and hung up with a quick goodbye.

"So, why did she call?" Felix asked impatiently.

"You, my friend, have a date." I said, tossing the phone in the glove box. If he thought Melonie was too into me, he might call the police, and it would be all over for both of us.

Felix smiled victoriously and asked a slew of questions. what she said, what they were doing, when they were meant to meet, all that stuff. I would just call melonie before hand and tell her Felix would take my place because I was 'sick'.

'Good luck Felix." I shouted as I dropped him off. He turned and gave me a thumbs up. "Hey, I'll come by tomorrow around three so we can move 'ya know. You guys are getting a little close!" I shouted. He nodded before closing the door.

I chuckled at Felix's gullibility. Getting him to do the dirty work would be easy, getting him to take the blame should be a breeze, then I would have Melonie. The thought made me smile. I started to pull away from the drive, not looking around me.

I was so distracted I didn't think about my surroundings, who would? A car honked behind me, bringing me back to earth just in time for the crash.

POV: Melonie

Me and Angel were talking, laughing about what would happen on me and Logans date.

"Okay, I will stay at Felix's house so that I dont bug you peoples, and I am paying for tickets." Sh added the last part in a rush.

"Like heck to the no! He might be your brother, but he is the gentleman, which means he pays. Stay out of it! including money wise!" We both giggled.

"Alright, alright, I will stay out of it. ew! Do you think you two will kiss?!" She squealed, clasping her hands as if praying. I laughed and clutched my aching side. "Hey! It could happen!" Angel pouted.

"Sorry, Logan just, doesn't seem like the type." I said, composing myself as the phone rang.

"Hello this is melonie Smith speaking how can I help you?" I asked. Felix's crazed voice came through the other end.


"Whow! slow down! what's going on with Logan?!" Angel's head snapped in my direction, eyes wild with worry.

"He got hit by a car. Melonie, hes going to the hospital! I dont know! He just dropped me off and, Melonie he looks really bad! What if he doesn't make it! Melonie!"

"Which hospital?!" In a flash Angel had her jacket on and was handing me mine. After Felix gave me the Hospital I hung up and ran out the door, hopping in the passenger seat of Angel's car as she began to pull out.

please let him be okay...


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