Chapter thirteen

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Chapter 13


POV: Felix

I didn't know were Melonie and everyone else had gone. I ran around the parking lot finding literary nothing. Nobody was here.

"Dang it!" I shouted to the air. I kicked a stray soda can and it flew into the nearby under brush.  I jumped back in my car,dialing Melonie as I opened the door.

"Hello, Melonie Smith speaking how may I help you." Her voice didn't have a single light note to it.

"Hey, it's m-" She hung up. She actually hung up on me. I dialed again. "Mel please li-" she hung up again. I groaned and pulled into her driveway. Her car wasn't there. I got out of the car and made my way to the door. I stopped as the handle began to turn. I dove into a large bush. I watched as Logan, wait, what was Logan doing here?

Logan left the house with a bag of stuff. Did Melonie send him? I wanted to ask but then he started looking around all wild. like a child caught with his hand in a cookie jar. What was he up to? I had an idea whatever it was would end up getting Melonie. I needed to find out what was going on, fast.

A car, I think it was Angel's, lazily roles into the drive way as I am about to follow Logan.

Angel stepped out, looking around before grabbing a large bag from the trunk. What? Her phone began to ring. "Hello? Yes I am at your house. I can't believe I am doing this for you." She hung up and made her way to the creek by the old play your her and Melonie built.

It had been raining for a while and the creek was close to flooding int'l the parkinglot. Angel dropped the bag in the water and get back into the cat. I was dying to get my hands on that bag. What the heck was in it?!

All thought of following Logan vanished. I was now totally focused on Angel and that bag. Why was she at Melonie house?

Angel drove off, turning left. I jumped out and into the freezing creek. Dang flabbit it wad cold! I dragged the bag onto the bank. I shakily opened the top, untiring the rope that held it shut.

What I saw would scar me and everyone else for life...Angle dumped... Ramona's cloths... Angel kidnapped Ramona...


I couldn't believe it. Angel, but she helped us try and find her. That was all an act? She was a snake, a vile snake in the grass. Hate billed in me. I clenched and unclenched my fists. I wanted so badly to rip her throat out. I was convinced I really would have.

The door creaked open in the entryway and I rose slowly from the kitchen table and made my way to the foyer.

Melonie and everyone came in laughing. Silence fell as they saw me standing in my still damp cloths, eyes wide with shock. "Felix?" Melonie inched closer. I think she thought I had attempted suicide or something. Or maybe she just thought I was crazy.

"Mel, oh im so sorry..." I chocked out.

" What's going on?" Angle asked pushing her way between Logan and the wall. It took everything not to just lunge at her.

I snapped my neck to glare at her. "Get away. Your sick!  Pretending to help! Your sick!" I screamed. Angel stepped back, shocked. She didn't expect anyone to figure it our did she? HA! Well I did! And now everyone would know!  " I know what you did! You took her!" Logan's face lost all its color and so did Angels.

"What are you talking about!" Melonies eyes were wild.

"She took Ramona! She dumped her cloths in the creek! The one by your house! " I was crying. Why was I crying?

Melonie laughed. Okay, why was Melonie laughing? "No! I told her to dump them cause they were her least favorite and I wanted her to have only her favorites when she got back. I didn't want to just throw them in the garbage. I told Angel to find a place to get rid if them. I was just taking them to her place for help. At first I thought to burn them. Too many memories though. So I just told her to do whatever." She shook her head. "Dumb idea huh?"

Well, I felt sheepish... and very stupid. "Oh. Well, um..." I rubbed the back of my neck slowly. I hated apologizing. "Angle I am sorry for jumping on you like that. I should have asked you first before screaming at you."

Angle nodded, tears sliding down her cheeks. I destroy everything don't I? Ramona now Angel is crying...

"Felix," I turned to Melonie. "Why is all this so important to you? Your so determined to fix all this."

"Can't you see? I did this. I told you she could handle being a lone. Look what happened! It's my fault! I got her kidnapped! Whatever happens to het ks on my shoulders!" I couldn't hold back tears, and I was not one to cry.  I was panicking. I pulled out ny inhaler from ny picket and took a few a deep breaths.

Melonie hugged me. Warmth flooded over me. How could she make me feel so... okay? "Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have known." I hugged her tightly, my face buried in her neck. I wanted to kiss her,  but not know. I've kiss her when we had something real to celebrate.

I've only celebrate when Marina was safe at home. Unharmed and the man who took her behind bars or dead.

Preferably the later.

POV: Ramona

So the creepy guy hadn't been back in a while. He said if I was a good girl he would bring some of the old toys from my room.

Him and some lady were talking before they left. I was still stuck in this dumb room. He told me it was sound proof, so I didn't bother screaming when the lady was here.

He gave me a book though. Rifles of the Regiment- weird book. It's mostly about death and this war and the soldiers fears...  very confusing. I got bored and started humming. I got bored of that and started singing "So What" softly to my self.

Melonie had bought me their best hits CD for my birthday last year. I felt bad because ai hadn't gotten her anything that year on her birthday.

I remembered this one time. Me and Melonie were in the back yard and she convinced me there were toe biters in the creek. Told me if I stepped they would eat my toes. I didn't go near that creek for a long time. Then I saw her and Angel digging up a box. It was Melonies money. JACKPOT! She wasn't happy when she found out I had used it all for a new book.

Then, there was the time I tied Melonies once long hair to the swing when she fell asleep on it. She woke up and decided to go as high as possible and jump off. I felt really bad when she screamed. we ended up having to cut her hair and take her to the hospital. She never had her hair to her mid back again after that.

I must have fallen asleep cause suddenly I was in a dream. It was so real looking. Melonie running through the woods screaming my name. Only to stumble upon my dead body. I gasped as I woke up. Sweat coated my body.

I just wanted to go home...why can't I go home?


Sorry if it seemed a bit short. I really wanted to add that sene with Felic over reacting in there. Any ideas guys? We could really use them! What did you guys think about Angel?

Comment who you think did it!

Datcrazygirl & Fruitcup

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