Chapter ten

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Chapter Ten


POV: Felix

Melonie called, she sounded excited about something. I was in her living room, Angel was there too. "Hey," Angel turned to face me. "Where's Logan? Shouldn't everyone be here?"

"I don't Know where Logan is. He said he would meet us here. Guess he had to do something pretty important."

Great, Logan was just hurting Melonie more by not being here for her. "Son of a -" Melonie walked in, talking at the speed of light.

"Okay guys, I have a plan. The police refuse to admit that Romona Smith was kidnapped. So we are going to have to be the ones to find her before...before its too late. We go to the scene of the crime. the route to walk home. Move out!" We all followed her out.

I jogged up next to her. "Hey," She kept facing ahead . "You okay?" She nodded. It was a long jog to the middle school. Students were already sent home, so the place was empty.

Melonie stood in front of us. She looked like an army general, totally hot. "We look for any clues, they may be small, almost undetectable. Find something shout it out. Let's get to work." We began to disperse when Logan's car pulled into the scoop parking lot. How did he know where the school was?

I didn't hear what Melonie said to Logan as he stepped out but he looked mighty shocked. We scoured the area. It was getting dark, almost time to go home. "Melonie! I think I found something!" Angel shouted not too far away. We raced over, it was a pink and black shoe...Ramona's favorite. Melonie was crying next to me.

I pulled her into a hug. "Shh, it's okay. We'll figure this out. Okay, we will find Ramona." I only half believed it myself, but I sure as heaven is real that I was gonna do my best to help.


POV: Ramona


"Ramona?" He placed a hand on my shoulder. " I won't be back for a while okay? So I trust you to be a good girl til I get back." he left, locking the door as he did.

I sat straight up. He was leaving? Now was my chance to get out of here! I looked around the space for my shoes. I hadn't been able to find them since I got here. Did this creep really steal my shoes? What a lose, he took my favorite pair. I walked over to the door, the ground hard and cold against my bare feet.

"Help!" I knew nobody would probably hear me but it was worth a try. "Somebody help!" still no reply.

I moved around the dimly lit room, looking for a window or another door. Nothing. This sucked. I sat down and cried again. Tears seemed permanently etched to my face. I cried for a long time before I finally pulled myself together. I made my way to the door again. I slowly turned the handle. It opened?! I thought he had locked it. This guy was a bigger idiot than I thought.

I ran up a set of stairs to another door. It was unlocked too. Was this too easy or what! I was outa that room, but now I was totally lost. I didn't know what part of this house I was in. In actuality it felt more like an old log cabin, everything was wood.

I ran room to room. This place was huge! I couldn't find the exit to save my life. Maybe it blended into a wall? I had seen that in some old movies with mom and dad. I went through again, hands pressing continually against the walls for a crack or a sliding door.

"This is stupid." I mumbled half way through the cabin. I wanted to scream. This was going to take forever to go through every room and every part of the house. I had made it this far, I wasn't giving up now, not now not ever.


POV: Melonie

(Earlier that day)


A little after my mom left my room, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I couldn’t stand all the waiting, and all the detectives doing absolutely nothing but stand around my house, going through everything and disrupting our privacy. The radio my mom turned on, to calm my nerves, stopped playing the song they were broadcasting and loud, annoying beeps started to ring in my ears. A message followed the beeping, that said: “This is a message from the Sweetwater Amber Alert System, regarding a missing persons report.Ramona Smith, Brown hair with blue eyes. Approximately five feet tall, said to be missing near Sweetwater and Harendate, Ohio. Call (514) 662-9091 if you have information regarding Ramo-” I shut it off.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Felix, Angel, and Logan, telling them to come over as fast as they could. I also told them that they could just let themselves inside because I would be down in a minute. If the police weren’t going to believe me when I tell them she was kidnapped, than it is up to us to find her. Pacing around my room, I tried to come up with a plan. We could sit and talk it over but I have had enough just sitting around. The best thing that we could do is retrace her steps.

I walked into the living room, interrupting something Felix had been saying to Angel. Everyone was there to support me, everyone but Logan. Of course he wasn’t here. It was time that I didn’t just sit around, that we didn’t just wait for the police to do something about my sister because obviously they aren’t doing a darned thing. Romona was somewhere, waiting for me, so its time I took things in my own hands. I owe her that much.

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