free falling

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You stand on the roof. Looking over the edge as you let the wind whip in your face.letting the cool fall air calm you. You look at the scalpel in your hand. You sit down as let your feet dangle off the edge.

Y"hey Jarvis?"

J"yes miss.l/n?"

Y"Can you please lock the elevator so that no one can come on to the roof?"

J"are you sure miss?"

Y"yes I'm sure."

J"as you wish."

You lay back take a deep breath. You bring the scalpel up to your face letting the light reflect off of the blades. You sit up and cross your legs. Letting your hand fall in to your lap. You unwrap both your hands to see both knuckels fully healed.

B"y/n where are you"

You flash him a picture of the sunset

B"that doesn't help me doll."

You flash him a picture of the roof elevator.

B"why are you on the roof, Y/n"

You dont respond.


You can hear the worry in his voice. And you can practically feel the tension coming from him.

You look down at your wrist.  Just as you are putting the scalpel to your wrist Jarvis speaks. 

j" Miss.y/n, mister barnes is trying to acsess the roof. shall I let him up."

y" no."

after a few seconds later he speaks again.

j" miss, im afraid he is insisting. he said "Jarvis if you don't let me up there I will fry your sercuts so that not even tony can repair them." So if you dont mind me saying it would be wise to grant him access."

You sigh heavily. You stash the Scalpel in your pants making sure you can't see the outline.

You dangle your feet over the edge, and let your head fall back in the wind. You take a deep breath. Wiping away the tears in your eyes, and putting the indifferent look back on your face.

Y"let him up."

You close your eyes and a few seconds later you hear the ding of the elevator. 

You hear a sharp intake of breath.

B"y/n... please come away from the edge."

You shake your head no. You hear two sets of feet.

St"y/n. I know things are crazy but you need to come away from the edge."

You put the feelings of the wind in there mind along with the feeling of peace.

B"steve, let me talk to her alone for a second."

You hear steve walk away and back in to the elevator.

B" y/n... you dont have to worry about not being abel to go outside. You can come out here when ever."

You let a tear stream from your eye.  He comes and sits next to you.

B" I know what it's like doll, we both are victims of hydra."

You look at him quizzically, and send him the image of a doll.

He looks at you and his cheeks go red.

B"sorry it just slipped out"

You give him a nod and a fleeting smile.

B"can I ask you something"

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