city lights pt.2

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You" well, that thought isn't completely mortifying."

The sarcastic remark fly's from your lips.

Bucky" I know.. but trust me I  won't let them lay a hand on you."

You give him a gentle grin.

Steve" they want us there as soon as she can travel. But we can have an extra day or two. Me"

You and Bucky nod your head.

After a little bit of chat with Steve, he leaves to tell Tony and the team what's going on.

Excluding Peter so that you can tell him.

You go to sit up, and wince as weight is put on your arms, because of your back. Luckily it's not nearly as bad now as it was. Just a few scabbed over places that are refusing to heal.

Bucky" hey,hey,hey."

You" this is so damn annoying."

He gives you a light chuckle.

Bucky"well maybe, if you asked for my help, instead of straining your arms, you would heal faster."

You stick your toung out at him.

He does the same, and you both chuckle as he sits beside you. Once he's resting against the wall he gently helps you lay against his side.

Once your nestled into Bucky he pulls the blanket up a bit.

Bucky" you comfortable doll?"

You tilt your head up and nod you head with a content smile.

His head swoops down and he gives you a tender kiss.

After a few seconds he breaks the kiss and then rest his head on yours as you lay it on his shoulder.

Four days later

Bruce sits behind you looking at your back.

Bruce" well good news. No more scabbs. Everything is officially scarred over. Your leg is, no more bandages. Now we just need to work on getting your physical strength back up."

You" I was able to walk with assistance yesterday, so that's good.if I don't use my arms I can sit up on my own."

Bruce" let's try walking."

You swing your legs over the side, Bucky comes up infront of you.

Bucky" alright doll, you ready?"

You" here goes nothing."

You take Bucky's hands and let him help you stand.

You take a couple of steps forward with his help.

You" so far so good"

Bruce" ok, let's try on your own."

Bucky slowly let's your hands go, but keeps his hands out just incase.

You take a few more steps,

Bucky" that's my girl. How does your leg and back feel."

You give him a smile.

You" they feel fine"

You bend your legs and give a little test jump.

No pain.

You" it's completely fine. It doesn't hurt. A little sore in the hips, but that's it."

Bruce" awesome."


Bucky pushes you behind behind him and Bruce as you all look twords the window.

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