City lights

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A week later

Thankfully now, most of your wounds have heald. All of the minor scrapes and burns have now faded to light pink scars.

Bucky hasn't left your side. And has been bringing you food and things you need.

Getting around has been a slight challenge. Your leg is to weak to walk, so Bucky , or anyone available, has been helping you walk.  Bucky and Wanda have been helping you get your powers back to full strength. And now you can create platforms for people to walk on.

Peter has been having the most fun with that, sitting 20 feet in the air, giving everyone heart attacks as he pretends to fall off.

Right now your waiting for him to stop by after school. He said that he needed to grab something from his room, and that he would be stopping by for a little bit before he has to go back to school for a club meeting. Then he's gonna go on patrol, as he calls it. And may is supposed to be spending the night.

There's a knock on the window and you look over and see Peter, right on time.

AhhhhhNot, he's 20 minutes late.

Bucky gets up and walks to the window, unlatching it and opening it for him.

Bucky" hey kid you ok?"

He climbs in the window and drops to the floor. He stumbles a bit when he lands before standing upward.

Peter" hey guys.. yeah everything is fine?"

You narrow your eyes at him and slowly, with the help of bucky, sit up.

Peter shifts his weight, then rubs his nose through his mask.

You" bullshit. Take off the mask."

You see Peter's suite eyes widen.

Peter" I'm gonna be leaving in a few minutes anyway, I think ill just keep it on."

You narrow your eyes more.

You" Peter Benjamin Parker, take off your damn mask and tell me who hurt you."

He sighs

Peter" please don't freak out."

He reaches up and takes off his mask.

He has a giant black eye, a bleeding nose, and a split lip.

You" Jarvis call Tony Bruce and Steve.tell them to come to my room. Emergency"

Bucky gently takes Peter's shoulder and guides him over to the bed. He sits down by you but doesn't look you in the eyes

Bucky" start from the beginning bud."

Bucky then walks over to the cabinets and starts pulling some stuff out.

Peter let's out a heavy sigh.

Peter" there's this kid. He thinks it's fun to pick on me. And I can't do anything because that would give away who I am."

You" Peter, he shouldn't be beating you up. You shouldn't take his shit. "

Peter" I have to! At school I'm seen as this super nerdy defenseless guy. I can't just do a complete 180."

You stare at him.

Bucky" Peter, you still shouldn't be taking his shit. If anything, act like you can't fight, but fight back. Dodge him. His embarrassment and frustration will cause him to embarrass himself. That's paypack enough "

The door opens and Tony, Bruce,and Steve walk in.

Steve" who are you getting payback on?"

Peter looks over at them.

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