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You open your eyes. And standing in front of you, is the leader of hydra. He's supposed to be dead. You try to kick out but your restrained.

" Don't speak. you get hurt when you speak. Don't fight back. You get knocked out. Painfully."

You think to yourself.

You look around at everything to see if there is anything you can do to escape.

You" no. no. Please no no no NO NO PLEASE NO."

you see Alexander nod his head and the words start playing.

You close your eyes, thinking of anything but the words.

But then they stop.

You open your eyes and see that you're alone, and back in your room. You get up and try the door, but it's locked like always. You here the familiar ding of the P.A. system.

Then the words start.

Again you try and block out the words. But you can feel yourself slipping. You let out a scream.

partly out fear, and partly just trying to give your ears something else to listen to.

Then it happens again, you open your eyes and now you're in the Hydra training room, again alone.

The words start, you scream, the room changes, repeat.

This goes on for what seems like hours.

Eventually your crying stops, your breath stills. You don't know where anyone is. Wanda, shuri, Bucky.

If your with Hydra, then they're dead. They would have been killed, or at least badly wounded.

The image of them getting killed keeps playing in your mind.

You start to sob again. The room changes but this time there are people. They are all crowded around something.

You look around the room and recognise the electric helmet used for wiping your mind. The people move and what you see makes your heart break, and your body freeze.

Bucky. Restrained in the chair, blood coming from his nose as if heed been punched repeatedly.

You try to run toward him, but all you do is fall to your knees.


The machines head peice starts to lower.


your body shakes with sobs as the head peice is put over his face and secured.

You try and move but for some reason your body is stuck in place.

You let out a scream.


Your eyes stay shut trying to block him out.

"Y/n open your eyes"

You shake your head no.

"C'mon doll, I need you to open your eyes."

At your familiar nickname your eyes shoot open.


He's crouched in front of you. Completely fine, and unharmed.

You" how... You were just.. you were hurt..."

Then your eyes go wide.

You" we have to get out of here. We're at Hydra. They cant find you, they'll try and kill you. You have to run! Please, go!!"

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