Chapter 1--The New Girl

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I smoothed out the shirt of the new uniform I had just gotten; it was going to take some time to get used to the slightly stiff fabric of the ensemble I was required to wear to the school I had just transferred to. I slowly wandered around the halls searching for the class they assigned me to, looking around in a confused manner. 'Seriously, would it have killed them to show me around? Or at least give me the general direction of where the class I had to go to was? Or shown me a bathroom?! I kinda got to pee...'

As I wondered the halls I heard the yelling of children. Out of curiosity, and maybe even stupidity, I walked over to where the yelling was coming from. There were the muffled yells of some girls and suddenly a boy was yelling about something called Dark Reunion. I sighed as I looked at the classroom number. Greaaaat. This was my class. I frowned and opened the door only to be greeted with laughter as the students messed around with each other.

I cleared my throat, "Um, hi. Where's the teacher?"

All eyes in the classroom turned to me, making me a bit self conscious, "I-I'm (y/n), the new transfer student. There's supposed to be a teacher in here right?" ((Lol I need an adult)) I looked around as everyone stared at me blankly, 'Well this just got super awkward, is there something more wrong with my face than usual?' Just then I felt something slither over my foot as a blur of movement entered the classroom. 'Slither?' I looked around and saw it was a snake that had slithered it's way into the classroom. 'Was this why they were making such a fuss earlier? And where is that teacher...?' I was already exhausted and the school day had barely begun. Suddenly more shouting and screaming started to emerge from the students of the classroom as the snake began to wander the floor.

A boy with light blue hair jumped in from of me shouting, "Don't worry, fair maiden! The evil order known as Dark Reunion has sent this beast here to slay me, but I, the Jet Black Wings, will save everyone from this-" I cut him off as I pushed him aside. Grabbing the snake in a safe hold, I picked it up and started walking toward the exit.

After I had gently set the snake outside, I made my way back to the classroom. I smirked at the blue haired boy. "So, Jet Black Wings, nice to meet you. That was very heroic but I can take care of myself, cutie." The blue hair boy blushed and puffed out his chest,

"Actually, beautiful (y/n), my name is Kaido Shun. I have the dark force of Black Beat dwelling in my right hand and I am known as Jet Black Wings. I fight an evil group called Dark Reunion."

I giggled and ruffled his hair, "Sure, sweetie." I walked to the front of the classroom and crossed my arms, looking at all of my new classmates. "Who runs this classroom?"

Just then, a teacher figure walked through the classroom door, "Everyone take your seats. Oh (y/n), you made it. Please take the empty seat behind Kaido. Now let's get on with the lesson." I bowed at the teacher and took my seat behind Kaido. Next to Kaido there was a cold, dead-gazed strawberry pink haired boy. There was also an ugly, tall kid next to me and a pretty girl next to the pink one. I raised an eyebrow, 'What an interesting group of kids,' I thought to myself.

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