Chapter 10--Haunted

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Kaido took me to a nice looking food stand tucked into a spot that would be hard to notice unless you were looking for it. He led me to a table outside and sat down, pulling me with him. I smiled at him but I couldn't get that man's face out of my mind. 'What the hell was he doing here when they were all supposed to be in New York,' I wondered to myself.
I was pulled from my thoughts as Kaido came back with our food, setting a plate of (fav/food) on the table in front of me. Deciding I shouldn't ruin our date with worrying about ghosts from my past, I pushed the encounter from my mind. 'I can stress all I want when I get home. Right now I just want to enjoy some time with my boyfriend...' I blushed at the realization that I could officially call Kaido my boyfriend, and it made my heart flutter even more. I took a bite of my food and sighed happily. It was really good after a long day of moving around.
After finishing my bite I smiled at Kaido, "Thank you, sweetie." He smiled at me and kissed my cheek, "You're welcome. This has been a great day."
I nodded, "Yes it has."
We ate our food without much talking since the food was good and we were starving. After we were finished Kaido leaned back and patted his stomach. "That was great. What now?"
I checked the time, it was around six o'clock, which means the park would be closing in about two hours. "Hmmm, how about we take some pictures at a photo booth then go home? It'll start getting dark soon," I suggested.
Kaido nodded enthusiastically, "I can show you all of my awesome poses as the Jet Black Wings!"
I grabbed his hand and let him to a photo booth I had spotted near the carousel, "I'll be looking forward to it, hero," I told him.
I paid for the booth and climbed in with Kaido. The booth told us to pose for our first picture. Kaido stuck his hands out in a fighting pose and I did the same. After a three second count down the photo clicked and it started the timer for the next photo. I smiled for the photo and Kaido quickly tried to pick a pose. The photo clicked with Kaido a blur as he fell over and me laughing. The next picture I made sure Kaido was posed before we both made matching silly faces. As for the last photo, I kissed Kaido's cheek at the last second while he made a surprised face.
Blushing, we exited the photobooth and grabbed our pictures. I smiled as I looked at them again, already deciding where I wanted to put them within my room. Kaido held my hand as we left the amusement park, walking me to my house as the sun started to set.
"Thanks for the amazing date," I told him once we reached my door.
"It was my honor princess," Kaido said while striking a pose and making me giggle.
I playfully pushed him. "You're a dork."
He laughed, "I know. I'll see you tomorrow at school though."
I nodded and he bowed after we said our goodbyes. I opened the door and walked to the living room with a big smile on my face. My mom was sitting on the couch when I got home.
"How was your day, sweetheart?"
I sat beside her, "Today was actually really great, mom."
I bit my lip as I suddenly remembered the weird man. Now I had to decide whether to tell my mom or not. 'I know I should tell her, but I can’t take the chance of potentially being relocated. I don’t think I could handle leaving my new life behind. And it's not like my father’s gang members would know where we live, so it should be fine, right?'
Covering up my silence with a yawn, I stretched and gave my mom a hug, "Well, I think I'm going to bed early tonight. I had a lot of fun today and I'm exhausted."
    My mother nodded and kissed my forehead, "Okay sweetie, good night."
I went upstairs to my room and sat on my bed. I changed into my pjs and sighed as I sunk into my pillows. I know I'm going to have to tell her sooner or later but I just want to live this normal life that I finally have. I snuggled under the covers and went to sleep.

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