Chapter 6--Reunion

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Once I got home I went straight into my room and put all of my friends into a group chat. I quickly sent a text that said, 'Okay, guys, Kaido still thinks I'm apart of this Dark Redemption thingy. I need you all to help me convince him I'm not in that group tomorrow at school. I just want him to trust me again.' Everyone agreed and I bit my lip. "I hope this works," I said to myself, letting out a long sigh.

The next day at school I walked into the classroom and took my usual spot behind Kaido. No matter how much poking, talking, or hair petting I did, he still faced toward the teacher. He was stiff as a board and pale but I got no response from him. Taking his lack of response as the opportunity I needed, I quickly slipped a note into his bag, praying he would find it.

After class, Kaido packed his things and announced to our group, though refusing to look me in the eyes, "I've been summoned by forces seeking to destroy Dark Reunion, so I must be on my way," then turned to try to walk in the direction of the club rooms within the school. However, Teruhashi stepped in front of Kaido and started talking to him in order to distract his and everyone else's attention within the classroom as Saiki, Nendo, and I took this opportunity to sneak to the club room Kaido would be heading to shortly. Everything was going according to plan, Nendo and I hid as Saiki put a cloak on and covered his face. He almost looked like a different person entirely.

Just as Saiki situated himself in a chair, Kaido rushed in. "Sorry I'm late, Amethyst Horns," he huffed out as he took the seat opposite our cloaked friend.

"That's okay, but aren't you forgetting something?" Saiki replied.

"That's right the Holy Grail Ritual for the energy barrier!" Kaido yelled as he got up from his seat and started doing a strange dance, then clapped and said, "Laguz," as he sat down.

"Very good, now onto our next order of business. The spy you said was in our midst, tell me about them," Saiki stated, folding his hands on the table.

"Oh, yes, they are-" Kaido is interrupted as Saiki suddenly holds his hand in the air, "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Kaido asks.

"We're under attack by Dark Reunion, quick, help me recite the chant for a barrier!"

Now was the part of the plan when it was time for Nendo to jump out disguised as a Dark Reunion agent. He did so, pretending to knock out Saiki and then turning to Kaido. As he was making his way towards Kaido's form, I jumped out as well, knocking Nendo down where he then pretended to faint.

"(Y-y/n)?" Kaido questioned behind me, "What are you doing here?"

I turned around to face him, "Well, when I heard that we were supposed to ambush and kidnap you in order to force you to join Dark Reunion, I just knew I couldn't let anything like that happen to the person I care deeply for." I continued to look at Kaido as tears sprang up in my eyes, "So I decided to turn my back on Dark Reunion in order to join your cause. Thank you, Jet Black Wings, for helping me see the error in my ways and find the truth within myself."

Kaido pulled me into a hug and smiled. "(Y/n). I'm glad that I was able to show you that what you were apart of was wrong. I like you too so I was hoping you would join me in fighting the Dark Reunion."

I nodded, "Of course, Kaido. So, does this mean you trust me now? All I wanted to do was be your g-....friend." I could feel my face get warm.

He grabbed my hand. "I do trust you now."

I smiled and did a little victory dance in my mind, "Hey, why don't you come to my house since you left in such a hurry yesterday?"

Kaido jumped a bit at the suggestion, "S-sure, I'd love to."

Turning and leaving the club room, Kaido and I walked out the front gate of the school as the evening light washed over us. "My house is this way," I said with a blush as I grabbed his hand and started leading the way.

I looked around as the setting sun cast a pink and orange light on the whole town. I pulled Kaido closer to my side and smiled, "It's pretty tonight." Kaido blushed and looked at me, "Not as pretty as you, (y/n)." I blushed and hid my face in his sleeve mumbling a muffled "hush" into his shirt. He laughed and once we arrived at my house he opened the gate for me. I smiled and unlocked the door to my house. "Mom! I'm home," I yelled as I looked around for her.

My mom poked her head out of the living room, "(y/n) honey, welcome home! Oh, I see you brought your boyfriend with you too."

At those words, both Kaidos and my faces started to heat up, turning a scarlet red. "No, mom! H-he's not my b-boyfriend... not yet anyway," I mumbled that last bit under my breath, wringing my hands together.

My mother started laughing, "Well okay then, you two come sit down, I'll make some snacks."

Kaido and I made our way into the living room, sitting on the loveseat, "Sorry about her," I mumbled, "she just gets excited because I'm not all that good at making friends."

He smiled and put his arm around my shoulders. "I understand. My mom would be acting the same way right now."

I smiled and said, "Your mom is sweet. I like her. She's like you but totally normal and not obsessed with an organization trying to kill her." I laughed and punched his arm playfully.

He rolled his eyes, "Hey. That's a serious matter!" My mom came back with some chips and dip and smiled, "Aww. You guys are so cute!" Kaido's face got so red that the tips of his ears turned a pink color.

Even through my mother's constant and merciless teasing, Kaido stayed and kept up a conversation until it started to get dark outside.

"I should probably go home, my mom will start to worry if I come home too late." I nodded, standing from the loveseat, "I'll walk you home."

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