Chapter 13--Fireworks

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We arrived at the viewing place early and set up in prime firework show space atop a gentle sloping hill. A bit before the show started, Kaido went to get drinks, leaving me to guard our place. As soon as my boyfriend was out of sight, a heavy hand clamped on my shoulder as another covered my mouth.
"Don't make a scene now, little (y/n)," a gruff voice whispered in my ear as I started to struggle, "Or things may end a bit messy," they continued, removing the hand from my shoulder to hold a knife to my throat.
My eyes widened in fear. I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. 'Think, (y/n)! What did your father teach you to do in this situation?!' The man poked my neck with the knife. "Get up," he said, "I'm moving my hand but if you scream I'm knocking you out. Got it?" I nodded and he moved his hand to grip my arm tightly. He pulled me onto my feet roughly and started walking me away from the crowd of people.
On our way out of the crowd, I saw a familiar head of light blue hair, and let a small tear exit the corner of my eye, 'I'm sorry Kaido, I'll try to get out of this as quick as possible.' Just then I saw another familiar face, which happened to be the new kid, Aren. Hoping he would see my distraught and pleading expression, I sent him a meaningful stare. I thought he hadn't noticed me until I saw the subtle nod of his head and a clench in his fist.
I watched from the corner of my eye as Aren discretely followed us to a secluded spot. Once we were there the man turned me around to where I was facing him, the knife still on my neck. My eyes widened as I recognized the man as my dad's most trusted gang member.
I glared at him, "You. What do you want with me?"
The man smirked, "I figured your head would make a nice gift to your father. The man I gave all my best years and loyalty to, only to be kicked to the curve the second a young new upstart comes along. He wants to get his hands on you so he can marry you off to his new second in command, as if I would just stand by and let the gang that's rightfully mine be thrown away right before my eyes. So I'm going to kill you and show your father the ruthlessness of the one best suited for the position."
At that, the enraged man reared his arm back to plunge the knife into my jugular, however his arm was stopped by a very pissed looking Aren.
"I'm not going to allow you to kill her," growled out Aren.
The man looked at him with rage filled eyes then smirked cockily, "Oh yeah. What are you going to do about it, kid?"
Aren punched the man in the face and let out a laugh, "You're no match for me, old man."
The man held his nose as blood seeped through his fingers. "You little brat," the man yelled. He threw a punch at Aren but he easily dodged it.
Aren then made quick work of the guy, beating him nearly unconscious before growling out a warning to never show his face here again. The man took the warning then scurried off.
I turned to Aren, "Why didn't you knock him out and take him to the police?"
"I doubt he'll be back, spineless men like him always quit if they know their goal is unachievable. And with me here, it'll be impossible for him."
"Right. Thank you. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions earlier, it seems like you're actually really trying to turn a new leaf and be a good person. I hope we can be great friends in the future," I said, holding out my hand to shake his.
He smiled and took my outstretched hand. "I believe we will be great friends," he said as he shook my hand.
"Really though, I appreciate you being there when I needed you. My poor boyfriend didn't even notice."
Aren shrugged, "It was no problem. When you used to be a thug, you’re always on alert."
I smiled, "Well I have to make sure Kaido is okay but I'll see you at school, okay?"
We said our goodbyes and I made my way back to where Kaido had left me. Luckily, the fireworks hadn't started yet. As soon as I got back to our claimed spot, Kaido looked up and pouted at me, "(y/n), where were you? I was starting to get worried."
"Oh, sorry," I said scratching my cheek, "I, uh, had to use the restroom. It couldn't wait."
"Are you sure? You were gone a while..."
"Yep! I just got lost!" I said, which ended Kaido's suspicions.
I felt bad for lying to Kaido but I didn't want him to worry. Also considering I still haven't told him about my dad being the leader of a mafia group, I would have a lot of explaining to do. I sat down next to him and smiled at him.
"It's pretty tonight," I said looking at the sky.
He nodded in agreement, "I know this might sound really cheesy, especially considering you are dressed the same as you were at school, but I'm going to say it anyway. You look really pretty tonight, (y/n)."
I blushed and grabbed his hand, "Thank you, Kaido."
After a few moments there was a loud pop as the sky filled with the light from the first firework. Out the corner of my eye, I saw the colorful lights in the sky accent Kaido's profile in the most alluring way.
Before I had realized it myself, we were locking eyes and slowly leaning towards each other. My heart fluttered in my chest as our lips made contact, eyes gently closing as people around us cheered on the fireworks. We stayed in the lip lock a few moments before I decided to deepen the kiss, startling Kaido a bit, causing him to accidentally bite my lip. He pulled away in a blushed frenzy, "I-I'm so s-sorry! I didn't m-mean to-"
I cut off the cutie in another quick kiss, "It's okay, we'll have plenty more kisses to perfect it," I said to him, winking.
He blushed even more and I giggled. I ran my fingers though his hair and pulled him towards me, kissing his nose,"You're cute when you're flustered." He placed a quick peck on my lips and pulled me closer to him. He snaked his arm around my waist and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We stayed like that, enjoying the mesmerizing sparkles and bursts from the beautiful multicolored fireworks.
After the firework show, Kaido and I walked hand in hand back to my house. When we finally reached my door, he gave me a hug.
"I had fun tonight, thanks for agreeing to go with me," Kaido murmured next to my ear.
I pulled back a bit to give him a smile and a peck on the lips, "I had fun too."
Pulling him closer, my lips claimed his once more, enjoying the feeling until the door opened and my mother cleared her throat. Kaido and I jumped apart and both of our faces exploded in a bright red blush.
"H-hey Mrs. (L/n)."
My mother crossed her arms, "(Y/n) you were supposed to give the sweets to Saiki and be right back. You had me worried."
I hugged my mom, "I'm sorry. Kaido bumped into me on my way back home and invited me to see the fireworks with him. I should have told you before we left."
My mother hugged me back and then went over to Kaido and pinched his cheeks.
"You're lucky my daughter likes you and that I trust you, young man," she said in a motherly tone.
He gently pushed her hands away from his cheeks and rubbed them. "I'm sorry, ma'am. It won't happen again," he apologized and bowed at her.
Kaido and I finished saying our goodbyes before I stepped into my house. My mother gave me the 'slightly angry but in a worried sort of way' mom look before pointing in the direction if my room, "Bed. Now. It's a school night."
Nodding, I did just that, going to my room and face planting on my soft mattress, giggling to myself while remembering my evening with Kaido.

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