Chapter 7--The Transfer Student

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The next morning Kaido was turned around in his chair to face me. He was talking about his plans for tonight, but mostly about Dark Reunion, when the teacher cleared her throat at the front of the class.

Everyone became quiet as she smiled, "Class, this is our new student Reita Toritsuka." The class greeted him and he took the empty seat to my right. Once he had sat down he leaned over to me with a sly smile, "Hey baby. You're cute."

Rolling my eyes, I chose to ignore the purple haired male, instead continuing my conversation with Kaido. Apparently this didn't sit well with the new student, as he chose to lean even closer into my bubble, saying, "Oh, come on, don't be like that. I'm a medium, you know. Would you like me to tell you what your guardian spirit looks like?"

"Go away, creep," I hiss at him for once again interrupting my conversation.

However, Kaido seemed excited at the mention of being able to hear what his guardian spirit looked like as he excitedly asked the medium about his. Toritsuka rubbed his chin and squinted right above Kaido, "Hmmmm. It seems your guardian spirit is a chihuahua," he said confidently.

'Chihuahua? Was this guy for real? No way anyone would believe-' Kaido let out an indignant huff, "Yeah? Well I bet it was the most powerful chihuahua to ever live. That suits me perfectly." I giggled at the cutie's reaction, catching the attention of the medium once more.

"Are you sure you don't want to know about your guardian spirit?" He asks.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, I guess it kinda sounds interesting. Why not?"

The purple haired boy nods then looks to a space right over my shoulder, "Okay, let's see here. Your guardian spirit is... holy shit," was all he got out before he turned deathly pale. Looking between me and something I couldn't see, Toritsuka let out some sounds of confusion and dismay.

"Well, what is it? Go on," I told him impatiently. "It's a- your guardian spirit... it's a demon," the purple haired male stammered.

Kaido turned ghostly white, "W-well must be because you were apart of Dark Reunion."

I looked at him with wide eyes, "Are you sure? Look again."

Toritsuka shook his head, "Nope, I'm positive. And it's one scary demon too."

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled at Kaido, "Hey. At least my guardian spirit can protect us both, Kaido."

He frowned and let out an offended, "Hey! You don't my guardian can protect me?"

I held back a laugh and ruffled his hair, "Sweetie. It's perfect for you."

The purple hair boy frowned at my interaction with Kaido and got right up in my face. "Well, pretty lady, how about you let me take you on a date this weekend in payment for telling you about your guardian spirit?"

I couldn't help the grimace that came to my face, this guy was obviously some player who thought he was smooth with ladies. But to be quite honest, all I've been getting from this guy is creepy perv vibes.

Eyebrow twitching in annoyance, I was about to push his face out of my bubble when Kaido jumped in, "She cant this weekend!" Toritsuka and I both turned to the light blue haired boy.

"And why is that?" Toritsuka asked with a mocking tone.

"W-well, she.... ah-"

"Because Kaido and I have a date this weekend. Sorry Toritsuka, my schedule is full for the foreseeable future," I smiled.

Kaido blushed and nodded. "T-that's right! We do!"

The purple haired boy just shrugged and turned to Chiyo, getting in her space. Kaido looked down at the ground and mumbled, "W-were you serious about the....d-date?"

I shrugged with a big smile on my face, "Sure. Why not. Let's go out on a date. We can go anywhere you'd like, cutie."

He smiled widely and took my hand, "Okay! I think I know exactly what I want to do."

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