Chapter 2--Getting to Know Me

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After morning lessons was lunch, which I was planning to skip in favor of getting a feel for the layout of the school. Or a map of it, I could use one of those, too. However, I was stopped by someone shouting my name, "Hey (y/n)! Why don't you come eat lunch with us?" Kaido was cheerfully calling out across the room.

"No that's fine, I was just going to-"

"Nonsense! Come eat with us, it'll be fun," Kaido cut me off, walking over and gently ushering me along the hallways with whom I assume were the rest of his friends. The tall one grinned absentmindedly as he continued walking, the pretty girl seemed to try to cling to the pink haired boy, who was somehow dodging her, and Kaido was speaking to me excitedly about his plans to destroy Dark Reunion once and for all.

Meanwhile, I was confused and still trying to get my bearings of the unfamiliar school. 'Well it could be worse,' I thought, 'I could have had no one that wanted to eat lunch with me. And maybe after classes I could get them to give me a tour of the place or something.' Smiling, I decided that this turn of events wasn't half bad and I should just go with the flow.

I grabbed some lunch and sat with the group. Kaido sat on my left and the pink haired kid sat on my right. The pretty girl was staring daggers at me because the pink haired boy was ignoring her but listening to what the others and I had to say. Kaido was talking about his plans for the weekend when the tall boy interrupted him.

"So (y/n). Where are you from?"
I smiled at him and said, "Well I'm from (city)." I lied.

"Oh cool," Kaido exclaimed, "I heard it's really beautiful there."

Smiling, I did my best to hide my nervous sweat, "Y-yeah, it is." I then shoved some food in my mouth to stop talking, I felt bad that I had to lie, but letting that information out could put me in serious danger.

I was born in Tokyo. However, that isn't the problem. The problem is that my father is the leader of New York's biggest mafia gang called The Five Points Gang. My mother never liked the danger my father was always putting the three of us in, and she was absolutely furious when my father showed me how to shoot my first Tommy gun. However, the last straw was later, when she found out that I would be next in line as gang leader when my father retired. So my mother gathered our things and filed us for the witness protection program. They were the ones who helped us move out here. Suddenly I was shaken from my thoughts as Kaido touched my arm, "(y/n)?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I smiled, easing the tension in my shoulders from recalling my situation. "Sorry, please go on with what you were saying," I smiled at the light blue haired boy, causing a light blush to appear over his cheeks. "I-I was just asking if you wanted to hang out with us over the weekend. We're going to the beach."

"That sounds great," I said while nodding. It had been so long since I've gotten to relax on a beach. I was really looking forward to being able to spend a day there with my new friends.

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