Chapter 12--Treats and Troubles

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After school, I made the excuse of forgetting something in the classroom and told Kaido he could walk home without me. Walking back into the school, I found the new kid. He was... beating up a bully? 'What's going on here...?' I leaned my shoulder against the wall and waited for him to either finish the fight or notice me, whichever came first.

The new kid looked over and noticed me standing there. He grabbed the bully's shirt and pulled him close to his face, "Don't ever let me catch you picking on someone," he growled out then let the guy go.

Aren walked over to me and crossed his arms, "Funny you would come here at this exact moment."

I raised an eyebrow, "So tell me. Where do you know me from?"
Aren scratched the back of his head, "I used to be the leader of a gang. We tried to rob you but you refused. Seeing the way you acted really opened my eyes. I wanted to change so here I am. I'm trying to be a better person. I've also been doing a bit of research, since you said something about me not knowing who you were. You’re the daughter of the leader of Five Points, aren’t you?"

I smiled and nodded, "Coming from a similar background, I'm willing to give you a second chance. However, if you start causing trouble, I'll have no choice but to take action. And I better not hear about you running around telling people about my past."

Before he had a chance to answer I turned around and walked away, heading home. I just needed to send him a message not to fuck with me, and to keep my past a secret, as I didn’t want the attention of rival gangs here trying to kidnap me for ransom. I strolled home, proud of the way I handled the situation.

When I got to my house, my mom greeted me from the kitchen, where she appeared to be baking something, “Oh honey, no boyfriend with you today? I was hoping he could try this new cake recipe I found online.”

“No mom, Kaido had some stuff to do today,” I said, “But I’ll try some.”

“But I need an outside opinion. You'll just say you love it because you're my daughter and you’re stuck with me. I need someone brutally honest,” my mother said petulantly.

One person flashed through my mind. The only person in my life who was always blunt and straight to the point was Saiki. I didn’t want to bother him on his afternoon off from school but I also didn’t want to let down my mom.

“Actually, Saiki loves sweets so he could try it,” I offered.

"That's a great idea, sweetie," my mother said happily as she handed me a Tupperware full of baked goods, "Tell me what your friend thinks of them."

I nodded and walked back outside my house and towards Saiki's place of residence. As soon as I made it to the pink haired boys house, Saiki opened the door before I even had a chance to knock, looking expectantly at the baked goods I was carrying with me. I smiled and held up the sweets that I had in my hands.
"My mom made these and wanted a second opinion on them so I thought of you since you like this kind of stuff," I told him.

He nodded and held the door open for me, allowing me inside. I walked into his house and placed the plate down on his table.
"You have a nice house," I said looking around.

He let out a soft, quick thank you and grabbed 2 plates and 2 sets of forks. Soon we began to eat what my mom had baked, which just so happened to be (fav/sweet). I smiled as the treat practically melted in my mouth and let the yummy sensation take over.
Saiki looked at me strangely as I was having a foodgasm, until he took a bite as well, causing his eyes to widen as he let out a, "This is really good," before digging in once more. I nodded, making a sound of agreement through the treat stuffed mouth. Once I finished my dessert I bowed to Saiki.

"Thank you for allowing me into your home but I should be going now. Please enjoy the rest of your dessert with your family."
Saiki smiled, like ACTUALLY smiled, and said, "No, thank you for the amazing (fav/sweet)."

Saiki walked me to the door and we said our goodbyes. I was a few blocks away from my house when I was suddenly pulled to a stop by a hand on my wrist.

"(Y/n), what are you doing all the way over here?" Kaido asked as we came face to face.
"Oh, my mom baked some sweets she wanted a second opinion on so I brought some to Saiki," I smile, but it falls when I see his dejected expression.

"Oh, she didn’t want me to try any?" Kaido said pouting.
I chuckled, "You were the first person she wanted to try it, but I thought you had gone home already. What are you still doing out?"

He shyly grabbed his arm and looked at me, "Actually, I was headed to your house to ask if you wanted to go see the fireworks with me tonight."
I smiled and took his hand, "Yes. Of course I do, lovely."
He smiled brightly and said, "Alright! I brought a blanket, let's go." He turned around to reveal a backpack that contained a rolled up blanket among other things.
I smiled, "Lead the way then."

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