Chapter 17--Happily Ever After

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~5 years later~

I nervously paced back and forth as my long, lacy wedding dress train dragged on the floor. I could hear the loud voices of people talking over the sound of the pianist practicing her music. My mother grabbed my shoulders and pushed a stray lock of my hair back into its place as she said in a gentle tone, "(Y/n) darling, just take a deep breath in and relax. I was feeling like this on my wedding day to your father too. It'll be fine though." I took a deep breath and smiled at my mom, "I know. I'm just excited that I'm finally marrying him. I just want today to be perfect."

Gentle music started to play and I took another deep breath as my father started to slowly walk me down the aisle, bouquet of flowers in hand. He leaned over, "It's not too late to ditch this guy and meet up with the boy I chose, you know."

I "accidentally" stomped on his well polished shoe, "Oh hush dad. I love Shun and nothing you do or say will make me change my mind about becoming his wife."

As we made it to the altar where Kaido was waiting, my dad leaned toward my almost husband and said with a slightly threatening tone, "You take good care of my daughter, hear? Or I'll have to step in, and you don't want that."

Kaido nodded with a bit of nervous sweat as the pastor started to read aloud. After a long while was the line everyone was waiting for,

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I smiled in complete happiness as Kaido leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips, sealing our marriage as everyone at our wedding cheered.

At the reception everyone gathered around Kaido and I as we cut the first slice from our black and white designed cake. I smiled as Kaido grabbed a forkful of cake. He moved it towards my mouth to eat and I smirked. I bit the cake off of the fork then brought my mouth to his, sharing the first bite of our wedding cake.

I giggled at my husband's blushed face then gave him a wink that made his blush a few shades darker. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with the man I loved.


~A few months later~

I rubbed a gentle hand along my swollen belly as Kaido snuggled in bed next to me. I gave my husband a gentle loving gaze as my other hand caressed his hair, "I hope our child has the same hair as their father."

Kaido pressed a gentle kiss on my lips, "I hope they have the same beautiful eyes as their mother," he whispered in my ear before cuddling into the crook of my neck. I giggled at my husband's cute actions before stating with a thoughtful expression, "I'm sure they'll be perfect, no matter who they resemble more."

Kaido looked up at me with a smirk and mischievous glint within his eyes, "Of course, it is going to be the child of the Jet Black Wings, after all." Giggling more, I pressed a loving kiss on his forehead, "You're such a dork." 

Kaido smiled at me, "Yeah, but I'm your dork, and you love me."

I couldn't help the happiness that filled me as I cuddled closer to my husband, "Yes I do." Kaido and continued to snuggle until we both fell asleep tangled in each others arms, sleepy smiles on our faces as we imagined all the things to come. I wished I could freeze this moment in time, or save it to relive on a rainy day. Sighing gently as I succumbed to slumber in Kaido's cozy embrace, I knew that we would live happily ever after.

The End

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