Chapter 15--Revelations

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After school Kaido and I went back to my house. My stomach was in knots for fear of my boyfriend's reaction to my past as we entered my home.

However, I knew this was the perfect opportunity to tell the boy about my past, especially with my mom being at the store according to the sticky note she left on the fridge.

Leading Kaido up to my room, I sat down with him and started explaining everything; why I had to move here in the first place, the knives that freaked him out, Aren’s similar background, and finally, what happened when we went to go watch fireworks.

"So Aren basically saved your life?!" Kaido gasped, "And I was so rude to him today! Aw geez. But wait, do you think what that man said was true? About your dad wanting to marry you to some stranger?"
I shrugged my shoulders, "I honestly don't know, the man seemed borderline crazy. I'd take everything he said with a pinch of salt."

Suddenly Kaido looks at me with a serious expression, "I'm not going to let your father marry you off to some stranger," he said while gazing into my eyes, "I want to be the only man who has the honor to be with you.”
I blushed bright red and smiled at him, "Aww Kaido. You're sweet." I hugged him tightly.
"I don't think that man is going to tell your dad where you are, but if he was able to find you then your dad is bound to catch up with you sooner or later. I just wanted you to know that my feelings for you won't change, even if your dad shows up. I'll fight for the right to call you my girlfriend." I nodded and kissed Kaido, the slight blush still in its place on my cheeks.

After a few hours of Kaido and I talking and hanging out, it started to get dark and Kaido's mom wanted him home. I walked him to the door and kissed him. "See you tomorrow, love," I said with a smile. He nodded and we said our goodbyes. I walked back to my room and smiled widely, flopping onto my bed. When I came to Japan I didn't expect to have that much of a normal life, much less a BOYFRIEND. This was more than I could have ever asked for!

The next day, Kaido and I walked to school together as usual. There was a bit of a ruckus in the classroom, but I decided to brush it off, as that was sort of the norm as well. That is, until the teacher walked in, "Okay class, as you all probably know by now, midterms will be held next week. I expect everyone to give it their all." 'Well shit, I'm not prepared for that at all.' So I decided to stay after school for some sort of last minute studying.

Kaido offered to help me, so we seated ourselves in the library. We studied for a few hours until the sun started to set, at that point Kaido suggested we go, but I wanted to stay a bit longer. I waved goodbye to Kaido and continued on with some math that I was clueless about but decided I was going to figure out before calling it a night.

After about an hour of trying to figure out this one single math problem, what Kaido had been saying finally clicked. All the problems seemed so easy now that I understood it. I smiled triumphantly and gathered my stuff to leave. I walked out of the building and down the street to my house but I kept getting this weird feeling. It was as if I could feel someone's eyes on my back, but when I looked around I saw no one at all. I crossed my arms, chalking up the strange feeling to me being chilly.

That is, until I felt someone's arms come around me, gasping as a bag covered my face and a familiar yet muffled voice whispered in my ear, "Time to come home, daughter." That was the last thing I heard before I felt a sharp prick and my senses faded away.

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