Chapter 9--A Date pt 2

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Kaido nodded and we held hands as we walked to the line for the ferris wheel. It was a bit of a wait, but we soon got to the front of the line. As we stepped onto the ride, the conductor gave us a wink as he chuckled, "Lovers, eh? I'll make sure to stop you at the very top."

Before we could say anything else, the ride was in motion, looping around and around as anticipation knotted in my stomach.

Just as the man had said, he stopped the ferris wheel when we were at the top of the ride to let passengers off and on. Kaido gripped my hand as our cart swung back and forth from the momentum of stopping. I squeezed his hand and moved to his side, cuddling him.

"Hey. Look at this view. You can practically see the whole town."

Kaido looked around and gasped at the sight, "I never realized how pretty our town was."

My heart was beating fast as I smiled and peered down at the ground, watching the miniature looking people walking around like ants, caught up in an internal argument with myself. 'Just do it! What if there isn't another chance?' My heart fluttering in my chest, I turned to Kaido, however, my mouth turned dry as a desert and I couldn't bring myself to form coherent words. I just... stared at him for a few moments before the ride started to move once more. For a few minutes the ride kept going and stopping to let people on and off, until it was finally our turn to exit.

As we exited the ride, the conductor gave us a suggestive eyebrow wriggle and I couldn't help but let out an embarrassed chuckle, which he seemed to take as a job well done. 'I can't let him know I chickened out,' I stressed out in my mind. It isn't that I don't want to kiss Kaido, it's just the fear of him not wanting the same things I do. 'What if he just wants to be friends, but I kiss him and it messes everything up and he's too embarrassed to be around me anymore, then I have to move away to another school and start a new life and live alone then eventually die a lonely cat lady?!' I shake my head to clear the excessive thoughts, snapping myself out of it. Kaido notices my strange behavior and questions, "(y/n), is something wrong?"

I shake my head and smile, "No, I'm fine." I grabbed Kaido's hand and looked up at him.

"So where do you want to go next," I asked him. He looked around the park and smiled. "I think I want to go there," he said as he pointed at the teacups ride.

I raised an eyebrow but nodded. I'd chosen the past few rides so he should get a chance to pick which one we go on next. He put his arm around my shoulders as we made our way to the ride, and I smiled when it came into view. This ride had big, colorful cups on their matching saucers and could fit about six people in each one, and was designed to spin around one another with the riders choosing how fast their own cup rotated on top of the spinning.

"What color do you want to go for?" I asked my cute blue haired friend.

"Hmmm, let's ride in the (f/c) teacup," Kaido suggests, pointing at said cup.

There wasn't much of a line for this ride, so we got to the front fairly quickly. Standing in line in front of us was a mother with a stroller carrying a baby and a slightly older child that looked about four.

As the gates opened to load people onto the ride, the woman's child was stopped by the conductor, "Sorry kid, you need an adult to ride with you." This immediately sent the child into a state of loud sobbing dismay as the woman tried to calm him.

Kaido spoke up from beside me, "He can ride with us, if you don't mind."

The woman smiled and thanked us, patting her sons shoulder as he followed us to the (f/c) teacup. As the ride started, the child started giggling and chanting, "Fast! Fast! Spin fast!"

I smirked and turned the wheel in the center as hard as I could. The child laughed while the color drained from Kaido's face for the second time that day. The ride was spinning so fast that it actually took effort to sit up straight. I was laughing the whole time until finally, after a few minutes, the ride started to slow down. When the ride stopped I got out with the child and Kaido stumbled out, seemingly dizzy. The child then ran off to his mother, turning to wave at us before they moved on to a different ride in the park.

Kaido stumbled to my side, "Okay, I know it was my fault for picking the ride and being nice to that kid, but I feel sick from all the spinning."

Giggling, I lead us to a shady bench to sit down for a bit, letting Kaido rest his head on my shoulder, "That's okay, we can sit here until you aren't dizzy anymore."

Kaido nodded and leaned into me a bit more. We stayed like that for a few minutes until the blue haired boy felt comfortable enough to sit up and stretch a bit, "Okay, I feel better now. How about we ride the carousel next?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Another spinning ride?" I teased him, to which he replied defensively, "Hey, this one is much calmer!"

I giggled and stood up, throwing my arms up in the air and stretching, "At least the spinning on this ride is constant. You're lucky I can't make it go fast." I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed, "C'mon. Let's go, silly."

He took my hand and led me to the ride. Before we could see the ride itself we heard the calliope playing its gentle music. I smiled at the nostalgia, the music reminding me of the music box I has as a kid. Ironically the music box held some small "beginner" knives but that's beside the point.

As we came into view of the carousel, I let out a gasp of surprise and excitement. Looming over us was the biggest and most beautiful carousel I've ever seen, it was two levels with a multitude of benches and different animals to ride. As we stepped onto the ride, the sight of a set of (fav/animal) seats caught my eye. Grabbing Kaido's hand and rushing over to the two animals before someone else could claim them, I sat on the one that was closer to me, smiling excitedly as the ride began it's slow circular motion and the animal below me began its gentle bob.

I giggled in excitement and held on to the pole, closing my eyes to enjoy the ride more. After a few minutes I opened my eyes to see Kaido looking at me with a weird look on his face. I raised an eyebrow and waved my hand in front of his face. He snapped out of it and blushed.

"What's wrong? Why were you looking at me like that?"

He bit his lip and grabbed my hand, "Actually. I was just thinking about how pretty you are and how you make me happy. You push me to be my best self and push me to try new things." He kissed my hand and said, "(y/n), I really like you. Would you be my girlfriend?"

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened, I was so happy I almost started crying. My initial reaction threw Kaido for a loop though, as he immediately started to try to apologize, but I shushed him, "Yes! I would love to be your girlfriend. I'm so happy you feel the same way."

I hugged him tightly. When we separated I placed my hands on either side of his face and smiled.

"I'm glad you asked."

He smiled and took my hands in his. "Of course, silly. How could I not like you?"

The ride slowly stopped and he put his arm around my waist. I smiled at him and walked with him off of the ride. "Where do you want to go now?" I asked as my right shoulder bumped into an older man's.

Looking over and intending to apologize to the person I ran into, my face went pale as I saw a familiar scarred face. 'The scar that goes across the left side of his lips... there's no mistaking. This is my dad's most trusted gang member, his right hand man,' I thought to myself in a nervous sweat.

The man smiled and tipped his hat to me, "My apologies young lady, I didn't mean to interrupt." Then he was gone, disappearing into the crowd. 'Did he not recognize me? That's highly unlikely. I should tell mom about this... but I can't. I can't just leave all of my new life behind. I can't leave Kaido...'

Kaido put his fingers under my chin and made me look at him, "What's wrong?"

I shook my head and put on a smile, "Nothing. Everything is okay. I'm getting kind of hungry. You want to go eat something?"

He smiled at me and pulled me closer to him, "You got it. Food it is."

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