Chapter 14--Jealous

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In the morning I woke and stretched. I had a feeling that today was going to be a great day. I got dressed and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning, sweetie. You seem happy today," my mother said from the kitchen.

I nodded and said, "Yes. I know today's going to be a good day. I have Kaido and I have a new friend named Aren."

My mom placed a plate of (fav/breakfast) in front of me and raised an eyebrow, "Oh? You'll have to invite him over for dinner sometime then," she teased.

I nodded and rushed out the door to see Kaido walking up to my house. Waving to him, I waited for him before we started to make our way to school.

As we were walking along, Aren jogged up to us, "Hey guys, what's going on?"
Kaido raised an eyebrow, "Hey, aren't you the new kid?"
"Yeah, (y/n)-"
I elbowed Aren, "Yep. I met Aren yesterday after school when I went back to grab something I forgot in the classroom. He also pointed me in the right direction to the restroom last night."

Aren gave me a funny look then his eyes widened when he realized that I hadn't told Kaido about the mafia.

He nodded and said, "Yes. She was so lost last night."

Kaido nodded, "Ah okay. That makes sense."

I winked at Aren to make sure that he understood that what happened had to be a secret and he nodded as a reply. On the rest of the way to school, Aren and I discussed our interests as poor Kaido just stood there, having tried to enter the conversation but unable to because of aren and mine's excitement for having similar interests.

As we walked through the front gate, Kaido sped up, "I guess I'll see you in class (y/n)."
Thinking nothing of his abrupt departure I promptly called back, "Okay sweetie," as Aren and I continued our conversation.

At lunch time, Aren joined us in the cafeteria. It was as if he blended perfectly into our little group, with one exception of course. That exception being Kaido, as the blue haired boy was seemingly glaring daggers at our new friend. I tried asking my boyfriend what was wrong but he refused to tell me, forcing everyone into a semi-awkward silence throughout most of our lunch time. Towards the end of our lunch break I was trying to keep up the conversation, energetically doing hand motions when I accidentally tipped over my drink, spilling the liquid over the table while simultaneously getting splashed a bit as well. "Here, let me get that," Aren said, leaning forward across the table to try to dab some of the liquid that landed on my cheek with a napkin. "No I'LL get it," Kaido said with venom in his voice as he leaned over and licked the substance from my cheek, "She's MY girlfriend, after all."
Kaido's actions stunned the whole table into silence, as he was usually timid when it came to PDA, but he seemed quite unperturbed by it at the moment.

I blushed and looked at Aren then back at Kaido. My eyes widened at the sudden realization that Kaido was jealous because he thought Aren and I liked each other.

"Hey Kaido, come with me, darling," I said as I grabbed his hand and led him away from the group to the hallways outside of the cafeteria.

"Sweetheart, I know somethings up. Tell me what's wrong."

He hugged me tightly and put his face against my neck."Oh (y/n). you like Aren?" He asked, his breath tickling my neck.

I grabbed his head gently and made him look at me, "Kaido, I don't care about Aren. I love YOU, ya dummy!"

He glanced up at me, "Really?"

"Really, though I suppose I really should tell you the truth to why Aren and I suddenly started getting along so well. I'll tell you at my house after school, okay?" I said feeling a bit guilty for keeping Kaido in the dark about my past for so long.

He nodded and kissed me, "Alright." I grabbed his hand and led him back to the table.

We sat back in our seats and I leaned over to Aren and whispered, "Kaido was jealous of how close we were getting. I'm going to tell him about my past and why we get along so well."

Aren looked at me in surprise but nodded, "If that's what you want then I will support you." I smiled at him then focused on the conversation Kaido and the rest of the group were having.

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