Chapter 16--No More Secrets

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I awoke from my position curled up on hard concrete. Lifting my head, I noticed I was tied up in what appeared to be a warehouse full of aircrafts.

I tried to stay as still as possible as I looked around, not wanting to let my attacker know I was awake. The warehouse was dark but had a few big hanging lights that did little to break through the darkness.

A pair of perfectly shined shoes made their way into my vision and I clamped my eyes closed quickly. I heard a very familiar laugh boom through the room then the voice said, "I knew you were awake. Now stop pretending you're asleep and let me see your pretty eyes."
I opened my eyes and peered right into the eyes of the man I knew so well. I frowned and growled out, "What do you want with me, father?"

The man let out another chuckle, "It's time you end this little game of hide and seek. My little girl was never meant to live amongst the common people, we're nobility in our own rights."
I frowned, "So what? You thought you were just going to strut back into my life, give a pompous speech, and I would just follow you home like some lost puppy? Well sorry to break it to you, but I like my life here-"
"THATS ENOUGH!" My father yelled as he fixed his tie, "You're coming back to New York with me and that's final. Besides, I have a suitor there waiting for you, so you can forget all about your little boy toy here."
I pushed myself up into a seated position using my elbows. "Hey," I growled out, "Kaido isn't my boy toy. I actually like him and I want to stay here with him and my friends."
My dad laughed, "Friends? Since when was the ruthless leader's daughter able to make friends? I'm taking you with me and that's final. I'll have your mother pack up your things and send them to New York."
I shook my head. "No. I'm not going."
My dad raised an eyebrow and said, "That's cute that you think you actually have a choice. I'm going to marry you off to your suitor and make you my next in line. Jenkins, take her to the helicopter." My dad clapped his hands once and a man dressed in a suit came over to me.

The man tried to lift me over his shoulder as I wiggled and kicked as much as I could, even giving him a pretty decent bite on the arm. The man held fast though, and was about to step onto the helicopter with me along over his shoulders when the door to the warehouse was kicked open and two figures ran in.

"Stop right there!" One of them yelled, causing me to smile. It was Kaido.
"Kaido! I'm over here! Hurry!" I yelled.

My dad smirked and crossed his arms, "So this is the boy toy. Well you're too late, son." My dad climbed on board and hit the side of the helicopter. The hangar opened and the blades started to turn.

Kaido quickly raced over with Saiki right on his heels, "Wait, sir!"
I kicked and squirmed and Kaido grabbed onto the helicopter.
Kaido managed to climb into the helicopter as we flew out of the hangar, "Don't worry (y/n), I won't let them take you from me," he said with a glint in his eye as my father started to rush at him. Quickly standing, Kaido got into a fighting pose before swinging a fist at my father, "Judgement Knights of Thunder!"

Knowing Kaido, I expected this to end badly for my boyfriend, but my dad suddenly dropped like a bag of bricks, 'That's... weird. But impressive nonetheless.'

The guy that was holding me went to fight Kaido but ended up with a similar fate as well. When both the men were defeated, my boyfriend turned his attention to me, untying my wrists, "See, I told them I'd never let them take you. You're safe here with the jet black wings."
I smiled and nodded, hugging Kaido and thanking him before making my way to the pilot and telling him to take us back.

**Saiki POV**
I knew this girl would end up bringing trouble. Of course I used my powers to help Kaido save (y/n). He wouldn't have been able to bring her back on his own, and they may have both ended up getting hurt in the process. So I used my powers to watch the fight and help Kaido win.

**Reader POV**
We landed back on the ground and Saiki made his way over to us. I looked at both boys. "So what do we do with them?" I asked while pointing at my father and the man.
"I called the cops so we better get out of here," Saiki said. I nodded and grabbed Kaido's hand. We raced out of the building and made our way to my house. Suddenly my phone rang and I cautiously picked it up.

"H-hello?" I answered. There was the sound of sirens as the person huffed on the other line, the sounds of running also apparent.
"(Y/n), your boyfriend really stood up for you today. I like his courage. Until next time." Before I even had time to answer my father had hung up.

Pulling the phone away from my ear I couldn't help the tiniest smile coming to my face as a "huh" escaped my throat. 'I mean, he is my dad after all, so he does care about me in his own way I guess.'

"(Y/n), is something wrong?" The two boys were staring at me, as I had paused in the middle of the sidewalk. "Oh, it's nothing. Just my dad calling to say he approved of Kaido."
Kaido stuck his chest out, standing up straight, "Of course he approves of the jet black wings!" He said proudly.
I smirked and playfully pushed him, shaking my head. "You're such a dork," I said then looked at both boys, "Thank you both for coming to help me. I'd be on my way to New York right now if it weren't for you two."
Saiki nodded and let out a, "You're welcome."
Kaido hugged me tight, "Of course! I'd be sad if he took you!"

Kaido and Saiki walked me the rest of the way home. When we got to my house, I waved goodbye to Saiki and gave Kaido a kiss on the cheek.

Going inside, I told my mother everything that happened; the guy that showed up on me and Kaido’s date and then tried to kidnap me, then my father, and how he seemed to decide to let me stay. My mother shed quiet tears as she hugged me tightly and scolded me for being so reckless, but then sent me off to bed with a kiss in the forehead. Finally, I was done with all the secrets.

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